Invisible woman?

I admit that I have a lot of problems with this film, but my biggest problem comes at the end when Angela suddenly appears up on the tight rope platform to commit the final murder by throwing a knife into a man's back. We just saw Angela in the prior act exiting the tent as her mother came on to introduce the tight rope act. How did she get up the pole and onto that platform undetected while the audience, her mother, and everyone else was watching the tight rope act and could see the poles and platforms the entire time?


We clearly have to suspend logic and reality in almost all of the shock/horror UK output of the 60's and 70's. Although they provided a steady income for faded stars from Hollywood the scripts had more plot holes than Swiss cheese.

Even allowing for Angela being able to climb invisibly to the tightrope platform and hide in the "tent" there - what was that all about? What possible reason for having it there in the first place? Was it for Ty Hardin to adjust his high waisters in private?

Anyway....let's gloss over her undercover way of getting up there, all the previous murders had been "hit and run" - commit the murder and then escape to kill again.
This time she effectively traps herself with only one way down, throws the knife (with just a hand extended, so unable to even see her target - what a girl!!)and then jumps out and slides down the rope to confront and attempt to kill Mommy Dearest. Since her dialogue makes it clear that Mommy owning the circus is her big beef one wonders why she didn't bump off the old gal in the first place?

Ah, they don't make 'em like that any more - nice to see so many Brit TV/Film actors in such tiny parts...

Come on lads, bags of swank!
