Rant at god

Has anyone got a transcript of the rant at the end of the movie that Peter Cook goes on. It seemed to accurate a description of the modern world.


Thank goodness for videotaping: "Alright, you great git, you asked for it - I'll cover the world with Tastee-Freez and Wimpy Burgers. I'll fill it with concrete runways, motorways, aircraft, television, automobiles, advertising, plastic flowers, frozen food and supersonic bangs - I'll make it so noisy and disgusting that even *you*'ll be ashamed of yourself!" - and it sure looks like he made good on his threat.

That bit really hits me hard - that and his earlier reply to whether he's "stray-ed or waver-ed in his purpose" - the devil himself actually seems ashamed of what he's had to do.


Oh sheesh, you're both sooooo right. I think that rant at the end was supposed to be an analogy for the what was happening during that time. It was the late 60s, after all, and consumerism and commercialism were beginning to run rampent. I think Peter Cooke and Dudley Moore were trying to make fun of that aspect of society, and in a very funny and humorous way they accomplished that with that wonderful rant at the end. Even though they were a little too old to be hippies. They were both wonderfully talented.



Amen. This movie could be an entire theology course.


This movie could be an entire course in modern leftwing spitting at religion.

A very tired, rote excercise straight from the lefty playbook.


Religion needs spitting at, it's God's greatest enemy.

Ah!...Now we see the violence inherent in the system!


Fabulous statement. Strange, we've never met before. Must be cuz I usually hang with ignorant believers not true saints like you.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


"it's all the left's fault! they're all organized and corrupting everything with their agenda!"


why is it that this movie makes sense? that it has the impact that it does?

because the people most likely to rant about family values and purity are the first ones to buy underage male prostitutes or fondle young interns or make millions for themselves or their friends at the expense of the taxpayers they lie to and violate the trust of. then big blowhards start spouting off about a "liberal agenda" to distract the wronged people from these very sins, and the uneducated masses fall for it.

people get upset when their churches and governments are run by the very demons they are warned against. then dupes start yelling without bothering to consider the truth, and the smokescreen is complete. and the anger and desperation ferments, coming out in avenues like this. of course, you'll just cry about the "liberal media" being corrupt without bothering to look further.

how often are the liberal politicians indicted for the very scandals they have violently campaigned against?

besides, it's a movie. you don't like it, go away. stop ranting about some conspiracy to make yourself feel better.


Me, I find a movie that gets me thinking about how God and the devil would operate to be a lot more religious than some angry politically slanted 'piety'.


Is it just me, or did god sound more like the Devil at the end with that laugh?


dun dun dunnnnnnnn
