C'est honteux / It's a shame

C'est avec tristesse que j'ai constaté que si peu de gens semblait connaître ce film, ou du moins, semble en parler. Il faut parler de ce film, le partager et le faire connaître, c'est un hymne à la vie et à la soif de vivre. C'est presque une honte que je doive demander une copie à un ami parce que nul part, le film est trouvable.

It was with great sadness that I found out that so few people are talking about or even just knowing this movie. We have to talk about it, share it, make it known, it's an hommage to life and the taste of it. It's almost a shame that I had to ask for a copy to a friend, because nowhere you will find an original copy of it.

Demented forever!


I have an old, poor video copy of Alexander - one of my most favorite films - and would dearly love to find it available, or being aired. If I'm not mistaken, my copy showed it's a Warner Bros. production. How do we put pressure on the industry to make these great old films available?


I just Googled it and it's right there http://www.amazon.fr/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0001XJNRW/403-3540780-6519667
Does Pierre Richard have a big role in it ?


Hello tij wij (sounds like cheez whiz lol!)

About Pierre Richard, he has a pretty much important role. He gains more and more importance troughout the movie. It's cool since it's one of his first appearance (third if we believe IMDb).

Take care

Demented forever!


Channel 11 in Chicago showed this movie, subtitled, at least 10x in about 1977. I saw it a few times, and only recently thought about it again. I would LOVE to see it again.


I just saw it and it's a great movie.
It was on T.V. here in Québec.



I saw this on a Seattle station back in 77 or 78 and I clearly remember English speaking dialogue. The same goes for The Spirits of the Dead (Poe anthology) back in 68 or 69, English spoken as well. Anyway, I have both titles and fortunately watching "Alexandre" is to understand it.


Reply to my reply: have now acquired a copy with english subtitles! Picked up a copy for about $4.00, what a find.


Saw the film in Boston, MA in 1968 at Pi Alley. There are BOTH dubbed and subtitled versions. Had a devil of a time acquiring both. Ditto with "Mon Oncle" until the '80s. Will someone explain WHY subtitles are done in tiny type with a difficult typefaces (instead of Times New Roman) in a lousy color (instead of say yellow or orange or tourqoise). Why do they just pretend that they are showing a black cat in a coal bin at midnight? They might also try viewing and listening to their work before release. No matter. "Alexandre le bienheureux" is an utter delight! Craftsmanship.


Well, after seeing this movie most of the people reconsider their lifestyle and start sleeping. This explains why there is so little discussion.

Time for a break


lol !!!

You must be right, I like to think that this movie realy influenced my life, so I guess it is possible that some people started to sleep all day long after watching it.

Cause and effect, they are now neglecting their contribution to IMDb.

Have fun

Demented forever!


So can we in the US get a copy of this film?


It's true, I've been in bed for 2 months, and am posting this because I'm trying to buy a tuba online


Entièrement d'accord, avec le génial "La guerre des boutons" (adapté d'un roman tout aussi mirifique — qui peut oublier sa dernière phrase ?)c'est le summum du cinéma de Robert, humaniste et optimiste et incroyablement de son époque. Sa générosité fait passer des gags qui autrement seraient faciles (et furent amplement pillés par la suite) et les personnages sont d'une justesse incroyable. Même si les "grand blond" ont vieilli, Robert trouvera certainement son acteur fétiche en Pierre Richard. S'ils n'avaient pas le malheur d'être français, il y a longtemps qu'ils auraient leur rétrospective à la Cinémathèque !
