They did a good job on the first 2 discs but left a bunch of the Bashki so dirty and blurry that they can't be anything but VHS transfers. Don't get me wrong the first season was the best and the others really suck, but don't say they are ALL fully restored when they're not!!!


yea youre right I noticed too and wondered if it was just the copy I bought.
They should send us all 20$ rebates what a jipp


Yeah I have to agree, there were two of them that looked like they could have been taped off tv. But I also agree that the first season or two atleast were the best. the rest weren't very good.



I've gotten through the first 3 disks, and so far so good. Is it all the Bakshi episodes or just a few? I'll certainly keep my eyes open for that now. It's great to have all the episodes together in one package, but I paid $64 (including shipping) for my copy, and would feel very ripped off if they are not all remastered.



I'm now on Disc 4 and I have to say I agree. The picture is grainy and some of the animation cels are chipped, like the black around Spidey's eyes was one of the glaring errors I noticed. It seems they must've left Bakshi in charge of remastering as well....At least all 52 episodes are on one collection.


The joke about this is that they are fully restored to what they were when they were completed in 1967. They never said that they would restore them beyond that. I personally love sitting with my friends and watching these so we can laugh at how many mistakes there are in each episode. Also since the animation was reused so much the paint naturally chipped off the watercolor board, adn cells. They were just too lazy to replace it. I gues that they felt it would be more genuine to give you the quality that everyone experienced in 67 rather than update it for todays standards. If they had done that they would have had to relayer alot of the episodes so that spiderman didn't do "dances" after landing from shooting his web, or being trapped under an object, adn then magically out of it then back under it again. I still like it despite the major flaws in it.


Yeah but if you pay $60 for a DVD boxset it need to have a lot of things on the DVD.


I whole-heatredly agree with the $20 rebate idea. All you need from this set is the first 24 episodes.
I'm happy that this set is out on DVD, though. The shows from the 1980s and 1990s aren't as faithful to the comics as these 40 year old "remasters". And please, somebody make sure that Spider-Man show that MTV put on is never shown again.




