MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (1967) Discussion > An incredible series,way better than the...

An incredible series,way better than the other Spidey shows.

This show was groundbreaking for Marvel,cause before they made the series,they had the Marvel Superheroes series where they used only pages from comic books and very little movement that was created by GrantRay Lawrence & Krantz Films from 1966. A year later,the two companies came together once again,this time to create Spider-Man,their first Marvel cartoon that was all animation. The first season remained true to its comic form with its usual characters like The Vulture,Green Goblin,Doctor Octopus,and Dr. Noah Boddy,etc. And most of the show always takes place at the Daily Bugle with Betty Brant (Peter Parker's love interest at the time) and that hard-headed,cigar-puffing,hot-tempered DB boss J.Jonah Jameson. The second and third season saw big changes in the show,GrantRay Lawrence was replaced by Ralph Bakshi,who took the series to a whole new level. The episodes focused mainly on Peter's/Spidey's time away from his routine job at the Daily Bugle and more on his college and personal life,going on new and exciting adventures,and battling new crooks like Mugs Riley: The Mole,The SkyMaster,The Kingpin,etc. This was a great show,out of all the Spidey series.


This is my favourite Spider-Man show. I grew up with this when they would replay it constantly in the 80's. It might not be the best crafted series in terms of art of storytelling but to me I would rather watch this than nay other series any day.

I cna't wait to get my hands on the DVD!


When I was watching this when i was young, i remember that spiderman never talked while wearing his mask because i remember always wondering if he was going to talk, then after a couple months i turned it on again and it was the more recent one made in like 1994 and i remember how shocked i was to see him talking with the mask on, and since then i havn't seen any of the 1960's episodes.

so could someone fill me in as to if spiderman, while wearing his mask, never talked?


He spoke with the mask on, but it sounded like he had a mask on. How original! What a concept! The 1990's Spidey/Pete sounded identical.

"Yes, Greedo, I bet you have..."


Yeah, you're right. He surely spoke from behind mask in the cartoon, usually with a quick witted quip at his opponent, reminding the viewer that Pete was just a young schoolboy, a boy both blessed and cursed with his amazing webslinging ability.

If ya put it to me, the molemen eppy was far and above the most intriguing, having always been a fan of tunnels and secret passageways.

Laura Welch Bush ~ The First Lady of NOOKIE!


Wow! I liked the Mole Man too. Spidey being I can't wait for the DVD!

May U live 2 C the Dawn.


Best show my a$$! The show was written-well, like most of the older stuff, but far from "The best" A.) the dialog was atrocious, it didn't flow. B.) the animation totally sucked, not like Speed Racer, but close. And 3.) Why did "maniacally evil" translate to "chipmonk on helium" at that time, every maniacal bad guy in the old shows had that same high-pitched voice, like new chalk on a chalkboard. Bottom line, this show kicked butt at the time, but doesn't meld well at present, like most old shows!


Many of the villains had the same actor doing the voices but they still had a difference to them. The Rhino was low and gruff, Vulture had his own style.
Goblin had the high voice but if you were intelligent you could seperate the differences. I'm also talking the non-psychadelic version.

The dialogue flowed better than the new ones who have less feeling. The animation was great for it's time. The animation in the 1994 series still sucks. Sure there are some pics that would make great still shots but there weren't many in-betweens to justify it. Spider-man also actually punched villains and got punched back in the old classic stuff, not like those stupid new versions who were too scared to portray Spidey in a good old fashioned knock down fight because mothers didn't want their kids to rough house! Too funny! Don't punch the bad guy, use technique and smarts! Yeah right.....
The old cartoons were not afraid to have a guy punch someone in the face and send them flying. Look at Popeye, he used to crack Bluto some good ones in the mouth.


This reply's late, but I just found out it was needed. I believe rams_lakers (both teams that suck) said that I didn't differentiate between the villain's voices "if you were intelligent you could seperate the differences" Au contrare, mon ami, I believe I stated "maniacally evil" not "blatantly stupid" villains.

Before a man is married, he is incomplete. Afterwards, he is finished!



rams_lakers wrote:

>>Many of the villains had the same actor doing the voices but they still had a difference to them. The Rhino was low and gruff, Vulture had his own style. <<

Did you know that Paul Soles (Peter Parker/Spiderman) did the voice for The Vulture? He has a site up about both the show itself and his experiences on it. Go to and check it out. There's also an excellent fan website here:


Prince1999 wrote:

>>He spoke with the mask on, but it sounded like he had a mask on. How original! What a concept! The 1990's Spidey/Pete sounded identical. <<

John Vernon (when voicing Tony Stark/Iron Man) also made a point of changing his voice. I think I read in an interview once that when voicing Iron Man, he was speaking into a styrofoam cup. Inexpensive, but it worked!



Laura Welch Bush ~ The First Lady of NOOKIE!


Atticus, be less of a moron please.

This is one of the most popular cartoons from the late 60's, period.

You're probably a bitter DC Comics fan. :D :D


Now ok I know I am comparing this to modern cartoons cause I'm only 17, but seriously the only redeemable feature of this cartoon is its massive camp value. The show is *beep* funny. I grew up with the mid ninties spiderman and only saw this one when it was shown in morning cartoons like last year. Yeah I still watched it every morning, and it was funny, but it was funny in the way that B-grade shlock horror movies are. You watch it for the same reason you watch Ed Wood movies, cause they are *beep* and funny. You should stop trying to kid your self that it stands on its own merrits as a great show. I mean if you love it for the nostaligia factor then thats cool, there are shows like Transformers that I love for the nostalgia factor, but hell I can still admit watching it today that its *beep*.
