Classic comedy

This was my favorite show of that year. For years, I wished that it would be rerun at some point. It did get a brief airing on USA network in 1986. Seeing it again was like seeing an old friend after many years.

I wrote letters urging CBS not to cancel the show. Dick Benjamin had a witty way with a throw awqay comedy line. I was in love with Paula Prentice and her husky, sexy come hither voice. Ken Mars and the incomperable Jack Cassidy were brilliant.

Mike Dann, the head of programming, called it the "best show I ever cancelled." The only critic who didn't like the show was Cleveland Amoury, TV Guide's critic at that time. It was bright witty and had a wonderful ensemble cast. I think it was ahead of its time and served as inspiration for MTM ensemble type comedy show instead of just one or two lead charachters. I could write tons more about favorite episodes etc, but you get the hint that it has a special place in my memory of old TV shows.


I agree! "He and She" was a ground breaking series and was cancelled prematurely, because CBS didn't realise what they had at the time!
Then after they figured it out, the reran the show in 1969, a little too late though!


This was a great show with perfect cast. CBS blew it!


The show was great. It was probably about five years ahead of its time. Hopefully it will be on DVD soon.


This is exactly the kind of show TV Land should be running...great shows lots of "boomers" remember and have never been rerun to death in syndication.I'd never turn the channel if they did.
I don't remember the show that well,though I recall Jack Cassidy's character leaving the room and Richard Benjamin pulling out a can of air freshener and spraying Oscar's exit route in total deadpan....


This is one of the greatest one season shows in television history. An absolutely brilliant comedy. Thankfully USA reran the show in the videotaping era as I doubt it will ever come out on DVD.


I remember as a kid watching this show with my family and roaring with laughter.
Loved Paula and Dick together. If I remember correctly Jack Cassidy's character
was sooo conceited and not very bright. Kind of reminds
me of Ted Baxter on The Mary Tyler Moore Show.

Didn't Kenneth Mars' character live in an apartment in the building next
door? So close in fact that he would walk across a wooden plank between his
and Paula and Dick's apartment window? He was a firefighter too!!
I hope I'm not confusing this with another sitcom.

If anyone can verify this for me, I would appreciate it!


Rosie yes the Kenneth Mars' character was a FDNY firefighter and he didn't live next door, he worked next door, it was a firehouse. He walked a plank -- positioned from window to window on the 3rd(??) floor -- to get to the Hollisters' apartment, didn't he? Wasn't there a running gag that Richard Benjamin would get peeved (mildly) at Harry's novel way of gaining entrance to their apartment and saying, "Harry would you mind not doing that?"

It was a pretty hip comedy for network TV. My Mom loved it too (she actually got me to watch) and predicted, "It'll never last."

As Chilton140-1 mentioned, I too was completely smitten with Paula Prentiss. She was sooo cool!!! A really great 'girl-friend' type. She was from Oklahoma -- where she must have felt like a complete misfit growing up (I lived there too) -- and watching the show I always got the feeling that she was probably.........ummm, never mind. :>))

[edited for clarity]


Alas, and tv. land only showed it very briefly. Long enough for me to fall in love with it, but not enought to get tired of it.

I was also in the midst of a Richard Benjamin Crush (in my 20s) so it appealed very much in that manner. I am still trying to track the origin of that crush. Was it Love at First Bite and then cemented by Deconstructing Harry? Which is depressing since he's in the scene with the sodomy. But yes, Paula was soo cool.
I have always been convinced that based on He and She and her marriage to him, there is no way she would've been stepfordized in that original movie.


I liked the fact that Richard Benjamin refused to have a laugh track. I hate laugh tracks. If it's funny, I don't need to be 'told' it's funny. Jack Cassidy's 'Jet Man' was also a favorite.
