What were they huffing?

Both Peter Fonda's character and the old lady of Loser (involuntarily) huffed something out of a box or something in the church. Trying to think of what that might be.


Well they after all are babyboomers in California, so potpourri can't be ruled out.

edit- Ok, just watched the scene. It appears to me they were sniffing a tube of glue.


They react a little like having snorted a big whiff of amyl nitrate (Amyls, they were called in the Olden Days), but the "mechanics" of usage looks wrong. Probably a rag soaked in raw ether?

I'm pretty sure a tube of airplane glue would've been considered passe' by such distinguished bikers as Hells' Angels from Venice...but I could be worng, y'know.

"Only a fool would say that." --STEELY DAN



A lot of cleaning products, with VOCs, were very popular back in those days. Pour it into a container or on a piece of cloth and breath it. Energine was a big hit(pun not intended). Pam Teflon cleaner was popular as well, spray it on a cloth and breath- was known as "Sniffing Pam's rag".
