Favorite Line(s)

I remember one line that has stayed with me for over 40 years.

Taylor to Burton: "But you were only an ASSOCIATE Professor."

Taylor said it in a real bitchy way. Cool.


"Our son is the apple of our three eyes, Martha being a cyclops."



"I swear, if you existed, I'd divorce you."


"I think I'll have you committed ..."

Actually not funny because a husband, with another's signature and one from a doctor and the wife could/would be committed back in '66.


"Monkey nipples..." and all the other ones he snuck in - hubby catching him twice but us, the audience, catching them all (if ya were really paying attention".

"Hump the hostess ...!!"

There were so many, its impossible to count/remember them all.


And the whole mouse story - Honey and her preacher father. He came up with that in the short time between the back yard scene and the bar/dancing.
(yes I know, its only a movie)


Just before the 'you are all flops ..." bit, while out on the porch:

"...and she (Honey) winks at me"

"Shes never wonk at you before ?"


Literally anytime Taylor opens her mouth in this film, but especially her derisive nicknames and her exclamations:

"What a cluck you are!"

"Yes, they're married. To each other, cluck!"

"Hey Swampy!"

"Guests. Guests!"

"Poor Georgie Porgie put-upon-pie."

"Come on and give your mommy a big sloppy kiss."

"Well, you just trot over to the bar-ie-poo......and make your little mommy a gweat big dwink."

"SNAP! It went SNAP! I'm not gonna try to get through to you any more. There was a second back there, yeah, there was a second, just a second when I could have gotten through to you, when maybe we could have cut through all this, this CRAP!"

The way she delivers those lines is absolutely lyrical. The impact of her delivery in this film is almost a cause for PTSD.


Totally agree. Genius.



There's nothing more unsightly than you with a couple of drinks in you and your skirt up over your head . . . or, should I say, HEADS.
