Looking for Brute and Beast on tape or DVD

Tempo di massacro was also released by the name: "The Brute and the Beast". If anyone knows where I can order a copy of this flick, either on tape or DVD, please contact me at [email protected]
I am also interested in finding copies of two other westerns of the same era:"Barquero" and "God Forgives, I Don't". If you have any information as to how I can locate a copy of any of these, please contact me.


I have this on DVD with the title "Massacre Time"

Arttu Ratilainen



I found a DVD release of this film on xploitedcinema.com.
Seems like it's two different versions avaliable there, one Japanese and one American I think. The Japanese version has English and Italian audio + subtitling in these languages and Japanese, but it costs £50! The other version costs $19.95, but it has only got the English soundtrack. Do anyone know about other differences between the two versions apart from the ones already mentioned??

By the way, xploitedcinema.com has a great selection of Spag Westerns plus a lot of other genres. I had no idea that there were so many Spags being released in Japan!



This film is available with nine other movies as part of the third volume of the "Spaghetti Western Bible" series by Videoasia. The picture is presented widescreen, but it's not anomorphic and the print is of strictly so-so quality. I purchased this box set for fifteen bucks at a local Best Buy.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"
