spy in the green hat

well, i'm quite certain i haven't seen that much of the series, but this was released on its own on vhs tape, and i can see why this got a translated title in swedish, you might say it somewhat says "heave in the green hat". incidentally it's not the translated title here that's on my vhs tape release. well now they rarely changes titles on foreign films, nomather how long the titles are, i think it's ludicrous, but i guess it has some possitive sides to it. looking at this movie, late 60's sure had alot of colour...

from a fire you put out of flame,
bringing back a spark of yesterday,
though i realise things can never be the same,
for a moment came a thrill again,
fire in your kite,
without expectation, out of nowhere now,
of the happiness in the rear view mirror reflection,
you bring back a wind of yesterday,
and make me fly over the mountains for a second,
but i know i can't stay,
lightning for my soul you bring,
but i know you got to go too darlin,
and things can't be the same,
going out is a spark from a fire of yesterday.
