Totally dubbed

I have never seen a movie where everyone is dubbed -- but it is so obvious that everyone's voice is dubbed - or should I say post-recorded (I'm sure there is a technical term). It must have been cheaper than trying to record sound with the film. I might be mistaken but I doubt it. Of course a lot to do with so many foreign actors too. Anyone else agree? And by the way - I love Vincent Price which is the only reason I watched even half of the movie.


Post-production dubbing was standard procedure in Italian cinema of the 60s/70s/80s for reasons you partly explained yourself.

I'm quite surprised at the fact you say you have never seen something like this before unless you happen to be very young.
There's just dozens of thousands of films made this way: from crime capers to James Bond spoofs, "Sword and Sandals", Spaghetti Westerns, sex comedies, war, sci-fi, horror and 'Giallo' and all sort of exploitation and non-exploitation genres you can think of, ask Tarantino for a start.


Yes, all that's true, but this one was dubbed because they lost the soundtrack.


This one was most likely intentionally dubbed since Bava opted to shoot it all with a 'noisy' MOS Arri IIC or IIB (a lightweight hand-held camera). These Arri cameras are too noisy for shooting with sync sound but give the director ultimate mobility if they're not picky about having direct sound.
