This movie is so bad...

Was Vincent Price on medication when he agreed to do this?

This is like a 5 minute Monkees sketch that went on way too long, but without The Monkees or the humor.



Worse movie I ever saw. What an incoherant unfunny mess. The first "Goldfoot" looks like a masterpiece next to this one. How did Fabian and Vincent Price get conned into doing this?



I read in Price's biography that he would do any movie so he could use the money to add to his art collection. Remember it was the "worst of times" when the world and the US were totally screwed up and good actors couldn't get decent work. Price plays it for laughs and makes sure we all know it too.


I admire Vincent Price enormously (My youngest son is named Vincent!!) but even Price cannot salvage this mess. He swishes and camps amusingly and with a passable script he could have got some laughs ( a la Doctor Phibes), but clearly this was thrown together to cash in on the "goofy, whacky" comedy style that surfaced for a few short (thankfully) years.

Fabian is totally bland and out of his depth, which in an offering this shallow says much about his acting chops...

What finally sinks the whole shambles is the unfunniest "comedy duo" ever to grace a screen. I know that Italian comedy is pitched pretty darn low but these guys mug, grimace and pratfall with all the grace and charm of two pot bellied pigs on acid.

Avoid this at all costs.

Come on lads, bags of swank!


It is bad but it seems Mike Myers Austin Powers parodied some of this parody of James Bond so it is interesting in a movie history sense. Also, the 60's babes are good eye candy. Ciao bella!


Why were you surprised. look at the title, they werenèt exactly making A Man for all Seasons or Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf here.


Stunningly bad, even by established Goldfoot standards. I'm forced to conclude Nicholson and Arkoff hated us ... but for one key exception: Laura Antonelli. It was worth DVRing just to catch her in one of her first roles. She's playing on a whole other level. "Girl Bomb", indeed.


It's watchable. Not as good as the first film, but watchable. I think it would have been better without Franco and Ciccio, but them's the breaks.

I love to love my Lisa.


Agreed. This film was pretty inane and tiresome.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


I think that Vincent Price was on automatic camp doing this. He said at the time that it was the worst movie that he had ever been in. He didn't understand what was going on for most of the time because of all the non-English-speaking people in the film. He didn't understand Fabian either or so he said. He may have been joking when he said that.

Vincent was right about it bad. It's only worth watching for VP's screen presence. That's always good to see. But only 4/10 from me all the same.
