
This wasn't a very popular movie by the 'masses' but I really enjoyed watching it. Many scenes were good....when Debbie sings Dominique and how patient she was with that angry teenager with trying to reason with her but I mostly loved the ending when the nun finally found her true place in the world in helping others, making others lives better and being finally appreciated She tried helping others throughout her life but was often overlooked.

Good movie!




Hi chezarie.

I am so sorry I missed it. Like you, this film has a very special place in my heart too. I can still recall each image so vividly and that is unusual for me.

I was a bit suprised to learn what happened to the real sister until after I read your response and followed up on it. I was so young when I saw it, I really did not know that it was based on a true story.

Thank you!

You must do the thing you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt


I liked it alot too

"I gotta get somewhere in this world. I just gotta"


Great! It's so good to hear from others who love this film as well. Thanks for posting!

You must do the thing you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt


part of my childhood, I loved it...I stuck my toy tape recorder next to the TV so I could hear the songs again...couldn't afford a sountrack at 7 years old back then...was sad to see this story is really sort of hokey, as the real Simging Nun left the convent, lived a life of desparate searching and eventually succumbed to suicide. Watching this movie again the other night, knpwing that, I relaize how forulaic this movie is

Still, Debbie has a great voice, script was cheesey, but fun...


Fun is a great way of putting it! This film made me sad during some scenes but feeling really good in others. I want to watch it again 'cause then, it wasn't so chessy! I was so into the characters and storyline plus Chad was so cute!

I remember putting my tape recorder next to the TV and radio to record songs too!!!!!

You must do the thing you think you cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt


I love this movie. It has always been a favorite of mine.


Yes its a good film as long as you understand this has nothing to do with the real nun.

See some stars here


I felt is was overrated. Total waste of Debbie Reynolds. A beautiful woman like that being totally covered for the whole movie was disappointing. I'm not saying I just watch her for eye candy, but still. I love her singing too, but I didn't care for the religious folk music.


This is a very delightful film, though corny by today's cynical standards. I saw this as a child, and I've just watched it again while remembering most of the crucial scenes. It's too bad the real Singing Nun lived such a tragic life in the decades after this film's release, but as a movie I'd say this is a solid 7/10.


I'm not surprised that it would be under-rated on IMDB. I don't believe this type of movie appeals to young males as much as to a more general audience. I see comments on this site that "its too idealistic, or syrupy" and that it doesn't accurately capture the real singing nun and her conflicted, reticent (and ultimately homosexual and suicidal) personality. By golly, I'm glad. There are plenty of those accurate, downer movies - some very good (Agnes of God to Doubt).
I find this movie to be much like Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music (I don't see Debbie Reynolds performance that different of inferior to Julie Andrews in those musical dramas). Is it the religious aspect that turns that many more away. I'm not religious, and I didn't find it overbearing at all. I suppose my siblings and I sang the more tunes from Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music than Singing Nun.
Oh well. Let those of us who enjoyed it carry on.
