Drinking + driving

I liked that scene where Dean is driving and starts doing shots at the same time.

You never see stuff like that in movies and how cool was that secret liquor cabinet in the car ?


Rickeybobby Exactly. Nobody's approving of drunk driving. All these P.C. tight asses need to lighten up and get a life.


I live in Florida, and years ago it was legal to drink while driving, but not OK to be drunk. I am 58 years old now and I guess it was back when I was in my late teens.


Back in the eighties it was OK to drink while driving in Texas, as well. If you passed your breathalyzer test you were good to go.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's LIVING!"
Captain Augustus McCrae


Some areas in the deep south STILL allow open alcohol containers in the car and consumption of the beverage while drinking.


Yes, I miss the sixties.


Interesting thing about that scene, is how Dino limited himself to just one drink. When Gail tried to offer him a refill after that one drink, he politely turned it down. Must have been a Public Service Announcement hidden in there. lol


In the 1960s, drinking and driving didn't have the stigma it has now.

Even if someone died in an accident as a result of you driving drunk, it was considered an unfortunate accident and you were quickly forgiven.

People used to boast about how well they drove while intoxicated.

Absurdity: A Statement or belief inconsistent with my opinion.


Nowadays, what with the crappy traffic you encounter everywhere, you just about need a drink before you get behind the wheel. lol Just follow Dino's example here: limit yourself to one.


Yeah I liked that part - and I'm sure folks shipping out Ballantines did likewise.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


I suppose it was done to let us see the liquor cabinet, but in that scene each of them is sitting on an automobile seat that seems to be missing the seatback. (No wonder they weren't wearing lap belts.)
