Charlie (spoiler)

When Charlie is taken away, will he be taken to the "Next Level" or to assume a new identity?
Since his referral didn't work out, it's not logic to assume he had been given a new chance, imho. What do you think?


I think he is going to be killed, just like Rock Hudson was at the end. I think if the new identity doesn't work (the first one) they don't get a second chance. They are killed, and undergo plastic surgery to look like the corpse of the next person who is signed up for the program. (Remember, when the older gentleman first comes in to sign the papers, and he is told that the Cadaver Procurement Unit must come up with a corpse that can be found - in his case, the hotel fire.)

Does that make sense?


I think that he was killed. In fact, I think that the refferal thing working out or not has nothing to do with having a new chance or not. You get a second chance and thats it (the movie is even called "Seconds", not "Thirds" or whatever). Remember that the whole changing identities process is costly and that, if they don't succeed in their new life, chances are that it wouldn't be profitable for the Company anyway (how much money did Tony make in his new life?). My guess is that every single one of those caracters waiting in the room are nothing but failures hanging on the illusive hope on getting another chance, but that only serve the purpose of being "living stock" for the Company to fake new reborns deaths.


I think you've got it right, especially with your reference to the movie's title. The Old Man expresses regret that a lot of people fail on the second opportunity the Company provides, but he notes that at least they are honest about the fact that that is all they can offer. It makes for a strange blend of integrity with the sinister.


He was definitely killed

The Doctor even states he'slucky they got a match so soon

why would they need a match for anything if he was getting another chance.

He's a goner

The Waiting Room is simply a place for keeping the meat fresh


supposing the company does overlap 'second' cadavers to solve previous or future procurements, what then may be said of the sub culture. what i mean is,
they could do the same thing but keep them alive but rather than overlap
cadavers the company over laps identities. for all we know charlie's identity
in the waiting room could have been tony wilson's new identity had his application for re rebirth been sucessfully administered.old cases old names just rehashed to spite the process. and what if there was an opposing sister company that worked out of a similar system of rebirth to correlate with the company. charlie is i.d paper mache.


I guess I'm in the minority. I've always felt that Charlie was getting another chance, with Tony being the price. Maybe I'm wrong. But it made the ending poignant, in that I've always felt that Charlie was crying at the end both out of happiness for getting another chance, and his conflicted emotions at knowing that Tony was the price. But I realize that this interpretation doesn't necessarily make sense in view of how the "Corporation" works. Or maybe I'm right about what Charlie THOUGHT was going to happen, but he was deluding himself.


supposing the company does overlap 'second' cadavers to solve previous or future procurements, what then may be said of the sub culture. what i mean is,
they could do the same thing but keep them alive but rather than overlap
cadavers the company over laps identities.

I think they recycled identities. Remember that guy who stopped Wilson at the airport and seemed to know him, but when Wilson talked about that incident with his "helper" it was just shrugged off as just an odd coincidence.

"An eye for an eye, and the whole world goes blind"


I agree. The guy at the airport knew him from somewhere.
Personally I think Nora Marcus really leads him up the garden path
with the beatnik wine festival. I once had a similiar experience at a party;
"what shall we do with the drunken sailor" included. Does anyone think such organizations really exist? It's a great film especially the introduction.


He was definitely killed

The Doctor even states he'slucky they got a match so soon

why would they need a match for anything if he was getting another chance.

He's a goner

"The Waiting Room is simply a place for keeping the meat fresh"

Interesting wording considering Charlie Evans was brought to "The Company" via a slaughter-house, and we were clearly shown sides of beef hanging for processing!

Although Frankenheimer makes no mention of the significance of the location in his commentary, he speaks instead about how he couldn't eat beef again for months, this can't have been an accident or a coincidence in the writing, or shooting of the film.


What I don't understand, however, is why did Ruby tell on the phone that "Mr. Wilson is ready for the next phase". If everyone in the waiting room is used for cadavers, then all of them are "ready for the next phase" by default.

Or is it that the company waits for them to find new referrals before they use them up for parts? Now that I think of it, that may be it. Once they provide a new customer, they are "ready".


I read "ready for the next phase" as a euphemism for Tony/Arthur's execution.


I thought maybe Charlie would end up getting another chance with Wilson's cadaver as his new body.


'I thought maybe Charlie would end up getting another chance with Wilson's cadaver as his new body.'

Look at this logically! Arthur Hamilton was around 6'4", the reborn Tony Wilson was 6'4". In the tennis photograph Hamilton towered over Charlie Evans who was around 5'8", the reborn Mr Carson (Charlie Evans) was around 5'8". It wouldn't be possible to transform the 5'8" Charlie into 6'4" Tony. Also wouldn't the police get suspicious if they found the body of 5'8" Charlie was 6'4" tall???

'Remember that guy who stopped Wilson at the airport and seemed to know him, but when Wilson talked about that incident with his "helper" it was just shrugged off as just an odd coincidence.'

The man at the airport was a company employee, informed by the company when Tony Wilson's plane was due and ordered to approach him and pretend to know him. They did this to give Tony a bit of confidence in his new identity, to show him that he wasn't all alone. You notice that the man recognised Tony, greeted him but didn't stay to talk to him but made his excuses and disappeared as quickly as he could. If the man had known Tony before he would have stayed to talk to him or if he really was in a hurry to get away would have arranged to meet him somewhere at a later date, or taken his phone number, address etc.

'I think they recycled identities.'

That would be far too dangerous to do, particularly as the company was paranoid on security, transferring clients from the laundry shop to a meat market and then taken in the back of a truck to the secret location. Arthur Hamilton was not allowed to leave the building unless he agreed to become a reborn and was blackmailed by the fake rape film. If they did recycle identities it would only be a matter of time before the police would notice a certain similarity in two identities, begin to cross check and find leads to the company.

'I've always felt that Charlie was getting another chance'

No definitely not, Charlie, Tony and all the people in the day room were all rejects kept there to be used for body procurement for the faked death of the new clients


I think I'm convinced that Charlie does not get another chance.

Initially, I thought he did. Another poster mentioned Charlie crying with a mixture of emotions: happiness for his second chance, and sadness because he knew his friend was the price for it. There's something that lends credibility to this interpretation, namely Charlie desperately tries to get Arthur to come to the company. Why is he so desperate? One answer is that he's urgently trying to convince Arthur because his additional chance depends on it. (On the other hand, does the company tell Tony that his additional chance depends on him getting a new customer? I don't think so. In any event, Tony doesn't seem very motivated to get an additional customer.)

Also, the decision to kill Tony comes immediately after the salesman decides that Tony will not provide another "customer." If the company is holding the people in the waiting room simply for the right match, wouldn't the company have sent Tony back there instead of killing him immediately. Or am I missing something?


Mr Ruby does tell Rock to go back to the Day Room after their heated argument about Rock not coming up with a new client. The film then cuts to Rock in bed being woken up by Will Geer.


The way I see it is that it's over for Tony in any case, he has become far too much of a risk for the company, he is a loose cannon, a rogue elephant that could run amok etc, etc. Remember the way he got drunk at the party in the beach house and caused much offense when he started talking about events in his past life.

Later on he defies protocol and visits his wife from his old life and she notices a familiarity in his mannersims, the way he sits, holds his hands etc, she can't help notice how similar they are to Arthur's!!!!

I think that was the last straw for Tony, the company could not risk any further deviations from him, it would only be a matter of time before he began drawing suspicion on himself and that would be very dangerous for the company. Remember that what they were doing was highly illegal!!!!!

I believe that even if Tony had agreed to go back to the beach house and continue his life as Tony he would still have been doomed, the company would have put a 'plan B' in action to silence him.

Also I believe that all of the rejects were consigned to be bodies for future clients, after all if they could not adapt to a new life after their first transformation it would be highly unlikely that they could adapt after a second transformation. They were clearly not mentally and emotionally suited to starting a new life and at that point they were consigned to become the company's CPS (Cadaver procurement service).


Did you miss that he is described as being returned to 'dayroom stock'?

If thats not a clear enough description of the purpose of the men in the day room then i don't know what is.


hmmmmm.. it is interesting though.. why the big push for another referral. It seems to make sense that if you do in fact provide a referral you may get your next chance.. It would have to mean that when the guy said lucky they found a match so soon for charlie it meant they had a body available to take the place of the new person they had created for charlie? If in fact they get a third chance if they provide a referral they would need to kill charlies "then" identitie and provide a corpse for it.. Was Tony actually the price for charlie to get his second chance? Not second chance at a new life, but his second chance in the company.. So when Tony is being asked if he can think of anyone with the mental caliber that he could refer, he said no. Did this mean could he think of someone that would agree to go through with the idea, but would not be strong enough to make it and not have a referral to give him a second chance..

I know I know. this can get convoluted.. But, why would a failure, such as charlie, be pushed so hard for a referal.. Is it because the company is just using them to procure more customers only? It is just a sham to let them (charlies) to think they will be given another chance..

Think also, that if referrals can give someone another chance, that means you have to knowingly bring that person into a position where he will more than likely be killed and used for body parts.. How many in that room just could not bring themselves to bring in another person knowing it would be a second murder. I don't think when they are first offered the redo at life that they are aware that someone will die so that they will be able to have their new life do they? Don't they just tell them that they have to find a match in the morg/and or let them think they only find already dead people wherever to use as their "close match replacement" to allow them to have their operation and do the fake death.

ramble ramble..



'But, why would a failure, such as charlie, be pushed so hard for a referal.. Is it because the company is just using them to procure more customers only? It is just a sham to let them (charlies) to think they will be given another chance'

A failure such as Charlie would be pushed to give a referral because that is the ONLY WAY that the Company can get new clients. They can't just place adverts for their service in magazines!!!!!!!! EVERY person in that day room is destined sooner or later to be killed and used as bodies for new clients. Of course the company lie to them and place the illusion in their minds that they are merely waiting to go into surgery for a new identity but that is never even being considered. Of course the company want to milk them as much as then can before they are terminated.

Of course the company could (and probably do) ask all their satisfied clients (the ones who are happy and make a success of their new life) to give them the names of others that may be interested in becoming re-borns. But I doubt that they could obtain a sufficient number of clients this way as I imagine many of those offered the service would decline!!!!

If a supposedly dead friend of mine called me and said that he was still alive and had been given a new life, a new rejuvinated body and a new identity by a secret society I would give him a five word answer, 'P*** Off you sick jerk' and put the phone down. If he called a second time I would go ballistic and tell him that the police were being informed. He wouldn't dare call a third time. So I imagine quite a few of the company's prospective clients would be crossed off after responses like this.
