MovieChat Forums > Seconds (1966) Discussion > Tom Cruise and Cameron Crowe should team...

Tom Cruise and Cameron Crowe should team up for a remake

This could be remade into a much better movie. I remember thinking how perfect Cruise would've been for the part. I just watched Vanilla Sky recently. Seeing that movie reinforced my feelings even more. Tom Cruise and Cameron Crowe should team up and do a remake of Seconds.


Why remake something that was done to perfection the first time around?

Rather than more remakes, why doesn't Hollywood start making new films that are just as good as the classics? Now THAT would be a novel & welcome approach!


I agree that there are way too many remakes today. It's ridiculous. But Seconds is a perfect example of a movie that can be remade. Tom Cruise would be perfect for the lead. As for who would play the old man that turns into Tom Cruise, I don't know. Who ever plays Tony Wilson in the remake has to be good looking. If they remade the movie, who can you see in the lead? I think Rock Hudson gave a great performance and he was a good looking guy. It's going to be tough to find someone to top Rock Hudson. But they can pull it off. I also think the remake should improve the ending. I despised the ending to the original.


NO! Vanilla Sky is awful remake itself! What makes you think those two could possibly improve upon this Frankenheimer classic?


I made another post on this board, stating that if the basic story was retold, they should reverse the sexual genders.

This time, it should be a souless old rich lady who is transformed into a young hot chick. It could still follow the main plot, including that great disturbing ending. Something to really upset complacent yuppie women.

However, I hate remakes, reboots; etc., but it could be interesting.

It would undoubtably be considered "misogynistic" in today's PC (Prick Crap) mess of a world. But, if it's "correct" to bash men, and women want to be their equals, then let's get out all the ammo.

AHHHHH! But the disturbing social/political messages galore.


Who do you think should play Tom's younger self?


*beep* the overpaid and overhyped Cruise. Film makers should give character actors a chance to play leading roles and they won't bitch about not making any money because of paying these ridiculous salaries. There are plenty of excellent character actors out there.
