MovieChat Forums > Seconds (1966) Discussion > actor in wine vat with other ... actor in wine vat with other naked men

I'm just wondering if Rock was, in any way, distracted by any of the naked men in the wine vat. According to Frankenheimer, Rock was extremely intimidated by what he had to do in the scene. That's fine, but when the director yells cut, if I were a gay man, perhaps I'd be scouting around for some attractive contacts.

There is no "off" position on the genius switch.


IF you were a gay man? It sounds as if......oh nevermind.


You're speculating on something you can't ever confirm. Mr. Hudson died without discussing it. Talk about something else.


Hmmmm ... gay actor in wine vat with other naked WOMEN! What? The Horror ... If I was making a gay revisionist interpretion of this movie based on gender identity theory, I might think there was some kind of subliminal message there.

Homosexuality: The love that dare not speak its name has become the love that won't shut up.
