Microwave oven?

In this movie, Salome Jens speaks of leaving her old life as a very comfortable housewife who had everything, and mentions having had a microwave oven. I wonder what model it would have been, what size, what it would have looked like, as small kitchen-friendly consumer versions were not even commercially available until the year after this picture was released. I grew up in a middle class suburb and I didn't personally know anyone who had one until 1975 or 76.


I would imagine that Salome Jens had the best of the best. All the Malibu crowd appears to have been wealthy.


Percy Spencer invented the first microwave oven after World War II from radar technology developed during the war. Named the "Radarange", it was first sold in 1947. Raytheon later licensed its patents for a home-use microwave oven that was first introduced by Tappan in 1955, but these units were still too large and expensive for general home use. The countertop microwave oven was first introduced in 1967 by the Amana Corporation, which had been acquired in 1965 by Raytheon.

Enrique Sanchez


I remember the days when the Amana Radar Range was a pretty big deal on The Price is Right

They'll hang you as sure as 10 dimes will buy a dollar


I remember this well, too! :)

Enrique Sanchez


Haha - that gave me pause too - I was like "Microwave Oven? 1966???"


i was surprised at that too, when I was a kid my family got our first one in 1980 or so and I recall it was huge and weighed and ton and cost something ridiculous, like the equivalent of $1000 today. i didn't think they existed for home use in the 60s.
