The old man

i really liked that old man character...i mean HORRIFIED me :)
he had this paternal assurance but yet at the same time there was a hidden menace to him (which is proved right at the end but you still get this eerie feeling first time you see him on the scene)
what do you guys think?



Yeah, I agree that was a great character.


Also interesting is the fact he hasn't undergone the process himself...


I know, right? Physician heal thyself.

The character - creepy as hell, and performed so well. I was shocked Will Geer could be this good. He was nice on The Waltons, and all, but I never expected THIS out of him.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked.


You'll note that while Arthur is facing him in their conversation, the old man is all smiles and sympathy; as soon as Arthur turns away, the old man's face hardens and he looks ruthless.
