unfunny bore

Maybe this was funny in 1966, but wow is it a dud now. Before you think I'm some kid that can't appreciate classic films, let me say I'm 49 years old and a real film lover. I had heard so much about this one over the years. My mom told me that my dad almost wet his pants, he laughed so hard at this in the theater. HUH??? I feel like I just wasted 2 hours of my life watching this unfunny, overrated dreck. The talent is there to be sure, but I was bored out of my skull and didn't even smile once. I know some people don't like Mad Mad World, but I do, and still find it very very funny. But this? Sorry, I just don't get what's funny.



sorry, it plays like a bad sitcom. Totally overrated film. If that makes you feel the need to insult me, then I feel sorry for you, that you can't accept other people's opinions. Were you the school bully?



Oh, I always recognize humor when it presents itself. There's nothing I like better than a good comedy. Bringing Up Baby, or Young Frankenstein for example. Sorry, Russians just didn't make me laugh. Should I say to the people who don't like Interiors: Sorry, you just don't recognize good drama when you see it? Let's all climb down from those high horses, shall we?


You first.

It is one thing to say, "I don't get it." It is another thing entirely to say, "I always recognize humor when it presents itself," and then label a popular comedy an "unfunny bore." The former is just a swing-and-a-miss and no harm done. The latter is pretentiousness.

Oh, how I wish I could believe or understand that.


Actually (in my personal opinion, so I don't get flamed here) I think "unfunny bore" is exactly what I thought about the film as well. I'm in my early twenties, so I originally thought perhaps the humor was before my time, and I just didn't "get it"...but I was also watching the film with my father who's 68, and he walked out of the room about 40 minutes into the film saying "wasn't this supposed to be a comedy?"...so I can only conclude that age has nothing to do with appreciating this film.

It's all about personal taste when it comes to comedies.

EDIT: I do want to point out that I really enjoyed the scene where Walt and the operator are tied together though. Easily my favorite part of the film.

"Well...I've seen enough. Come on Charlie, we're going home."



How is it NOT funny when the old geezer slurps his coffee from his saucer, as he deafly looks around asking "Muriel?" Then after he sees her he asks dead pan "Whatcha doin' up there, Muriel?" as he sucks his gums. Or Reiner's shrieks of "You're SQUASHING ME!!!!" ?


I agree with the other posters, to say you didn't think it was funny or didn't get it was one thing but the posting title unfunny bore and the "unfunny, overrated dreck" is a bit strong. Maybe you were in a bad mood. Try it on for size again, it may fit better next time.


Whilst idly flipping channels I caught the last few minutes of Death Rides a Horse. The young gun slinger looked very familiar, so looked him up on imdb and learned he had played the object of my youthful crush--"Aleeson Palllmerrr, you kiss at me?" Sigh....he made my 11-year-old heart race.

I find it odd when folks write negative reviews with nothing to substantiate their opinions. I've learned a lot by reading those views that are oppisite of my own. Saying something is "unfunny, overrated dreck" doesn't add anything to the conversation.

Humor can't be explained--it tickles you or it doesn't. My husband splits a gut laughing at the Three Stooges while I watch in silence. I have no idea why Larry, Moe and Curly are considered funny. I laugh a rib loose watching Waiting for Guffman as husband watches in puzzled silence.

Some prefer vanilla, Astaire and McCartney and others opt for chocolate, Kelly and Lennon. Viva la difference!


Do not mistake my incredulity for disbelief.


well said, even though I didn't find "Russians are Coming" all that funny, and normally I enjoy films of that genre and era.



I think Alan Arkin is priceless in this film, not only is he sexy as hell, but his timing is superb. I don't speak Russian, but I roared whenever he was speaking it because he is so great at physical comedy. I didn't need any superfluous subtitles screwing up his art. All I had to do was watch his body language to know what he was saying.

Yeah, the ending is extremely naive and unbelievable; but hey, it's a comedy. I just go with it every time because I adore Alan Arkin in this part.

BTW, in the special features interview with Norman Jewison, he said when the film was screened in the Kremlin at the request of the Soviet Ambassador to the U.S. (or someone else very high up), most of the lengendary Russian directors attended; and by the end, most of them were in tears. Jewison asked why, and they told him they wish they had made the film first. They were in awe of the freedom he must enjoy in his country to have been able to make such a film.

Just something we in the free world might need to be reminded of and never take for granted. IMHO.


Thanks for sharing that, chewtoy45. I was in tears by the end, as well. I didn't expect a touching story of almost everyone working together at the end.

I was glad they didn't use subtitles, too, and that the Russians were usually speaking Russian to each other. It was a relief because I get tired of watching other films and having to justify in my mind why people from non-English speaking countries wouldn't be using their native languages while speaking to one-another. Also, the way Arkin's Russian rolled off his tongue was impressive.

Cheese fries...next time.


So sorry that you did not appreciate the humor in this film. It happens at times, and what one person thinks is hilarious, someone else labels as boring. That is an opinion, something everyone is obviously permitted to have, and does not need to match up with what others think.

But stating unequivocally, "It is a dud now," and "an unfunny, overrated dreck," (As a retired literature teacher, I had to look that one up. It means "excrement, worthless trash." Wow, that is a pretty harsh assessment there...) is confusing opinion and fact.

My opinion is that this film is extremely funny, as is "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World". Your opinion is that this film is not.

More cowbell!"...Christopher Walken


Tell me you find this movie a bore but get a big laugh at any Will Ferrell movie? Sorry the movie doesn't play to modern times but you had to live during this period to better understand it or as they say "you had to be there!" I'd rather see more of these movies than the crap Hollywood is turning out today. Nothing but CGI, robots, mass explosions and Jennifer Anniston falling in love again!


Only a Jewish director would give top-billing to a middle-aged, wig-wearing Jewish comedian.


Only a Jewish director would give top-billing to a middle-aged, wig-wearing Jewish comedian.

Talk about a non sequitur -- what does that have to do with the previous discussion?

BTW, Norman Jewison wasn't Jewish, and, since Walt Whitaker is the main character, wouldn't it make sense that the actor playing him gets top billing?
