the ending is just ridiculous

I don't like this movie, with the exception of a few things (alan arkin, the tall hot russian dude, and a couple other things).

to top it off, the ending was ridiculous, with the kid falling out of the window. I think i also hate when large groups of people unrealistically ban together in movies.

So, my thoughts, basically.

"I read a pamphlet..Minky Monthly.."
"So.. I once looked at a hedge. Whats your point?"


"ban together in movies"
Well you did have the Paul Ford character, who basically wanted them captured/killed. But I do think Massachusetts people would ban together.


Queen & thybn just WHAT was it they wanted to ban? The BOMB?


Ha. I just went with it. Why wouldn't a group of disparates not ban (sic) together to help a child at risk?


I just watched this on Hulu and thought it was hilarious in places and generally entertaining the rest of the time. Of course the ending was ridiculous. The entire premise was ridiculous. The incompetence of the crew was ridiculous. The reaction of the town was ridiculous.

I guess at some point you knew this movie was intentionally being ridiculous but then the ending was perhaps more ridiculous than you could forgive. For me, the point of this movie was to be absurd just like irrational fear and hatred average citizens of one country have for their counterparts in another and it took an absurd finale to bring everybody together.


The ending should have been something that necessitated the Russians to do something only they could have done. Like, have some kids fall in to the water and the sub having to rush out to save them. That would have made more sense.


The ending should have been something that necessitated the Russians to do something only they could have done. Like, have some kids fall in to the water and the sub having to rush out to save them. That would have made more sense.

The Americans and Russians are about to start shooting at each other. When the kid falls, they put aside their differences and work together to save him. That makes them look at one another as fellow human beings, not enemies. That was the whole point of the scene.

You got your mind right, Luke?


The ending should have been something that necessitated the Russians to do something only they could have done. Like, have some kids fall in to the water and the sub having to rush out to save them. That would have made more sense.
The fact that they ban[ded] together was point -- i.e., putting their differences aside to come [u]together[/u] for a cause.


Yeah that was a bit of an easy (not to mention excessively cute) way out.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


That was my least favorite part as well. It felt too neat and contrived.
The Captain just suddenly becomes sympathetic and non-threatening. "Oh no, that kids going to fall to his death! Even though I was just seconds away from ordering my men to open fire on this town! How terrible!"
I mean I think I get the point. He has a heart, he's actually a good guy. But I never felt like he was bluffing about turning his weapons on the entire town or the crowd of people(who they had mounted machine gun pointed at). So it kind of took me out of it.

Speaking of the crowd of people, that bothered me too. The sheriff orders his subordinate to disperse the people because he assumes the Russians are going to open fire. The townsfolk scream and start retreating. But then the Captain says something, and they all just flock right back to the same spots.
Get the hell away! Go hide! Jesus christ, man.


I agree. Sort of threw a good movie away with a contrivance. Otherwise I love the movie.


"But I never felt like he was bluffing about turning his weapons on the entire town or the crowd of people(who they had mounted machine gun pointed at)."

Interesting. I actually said out loud that he must be bluffing, because blowing up the town would've been the stupidest thing to do. Not sure he would've survived that, even if he made it all the way back to Moscow.


But the fact is, fearmongering does turn us into something we aren't. And if we are to be brought to our senses and remember our true colors at all, it's generally something like a kid in danger that does the trick.

The ending was less ridiculous than ridiculously convenient--something needed to happen to bring everyone to their senses, but in real life the thing that is needed to bring us to our senses all too often never happens.

Yes, the movie resorted to a contrivance to remind us that most of the people our governments tell us are our enemies are just people like us. And thank God someone said it.

Yes, it was a convenience, Queen of Convenience. Would you rather the movie had made no point at all?


Yes, the ending was ridiculous. So was the rest of the movie.


It's a comedy. Of course it's ridiculous.

A lot of this just sounds like a difference from the content in the movie and your personal tastes, tbh. The ending is convenient, sure, but it fits in with the themes of the movie.
