Alan Arkin Made That Noise

After they find the keys in the purse, then Arkin asks about boats, Carl Reiner says there are no boats.

Arkin stands there, presses his lips together and fills them with air, only on the lips, not the cheeks, and makes that farty-wheezy noise.

I have tried to recreate this noise and it just sends a buzz thru my lips the likes of which I cannot stand!

Is anybody able to recreate that sound?


Fun topic! I tried it and could make that noise for about two seconds. That was it. I tried and tried to do it again and the same thing happened that happened to you. It tickles


Watching the movie again. Suspense is killing me that he is going to do it!


Try covering your teeth with your lips, then press the skin just outside your lips together and make sure you're tensing up your lips, but not your mouth (as that will puff out), close your epiglottis and blow out the air in your mouth with your cheeks. You'll get it. And using your lungs to blow out harder is how you make an elephant noise. ---It wants no straps. - Karl
