Dorothy MacGowen

Fantastic satire on the fashion scene from the sixties. Does anyone know what happened to Dorothy MacGowen? I always like the story of how she ended up in the film, picked from obscurity from a crowd of Beatles fans when they landed at a British airport. Was this the only picture she made? I think she was great!



but according to wikipedia: After the release of the film, which was McGowan's first and only film role, she disappeared from public view and apparently neither acted nor modeled again, according to Klein.


i am watching the film, and i love its absurdity. 'course, i'm a film student; a french new wave film lover; a french film lover; a philosophy student; a model lover (though, i agree with the film's obvious position on the fashion industry); an art film lover; a sixties film lover; an interested in anything that's 'different'... :-)
i don't agree with one of the comments that the movie is exclusionary. if you're not interested in what it's trying to do, than you're just not interested. you don't have to take sides (as if, in some polemic) against it. and this is definitely one some moviegoers will 'get' (not many mainstream 'goers) and most won't.
one thing's for sure: it's a film that could've only been made in the late 1960s.

gregory 011008
