School Lesson

I remember seeing this movie in school as a lesson to learn about drugs. But I don't remember what I learned....


Dave's not here, man.

Werewolves Ate My Platoon!


Yeah, one day in my high school in about 1972, with no warning, they marched us into the auditorium and showed this movie. No teacher or administrator ever offered any explanation that I remember, but this was when the drug culture was really taking hold and about a third of the students were regularly smoking pot at the least. It was cool, but it wasn't nearly as cool as the time in 3rd grade when they did the same thing only the movie was 'Shane.'

Thinking back on it now, I'd guess some really clever marketing exec had figured out a way to make some money on this movie that apparently had disappeared as soon as it was released. I'd sure never heard of it, but I guess they sold drug-terrified schools on the idea it had educational and corrective value. Didn't work.


It most likely gave young entrepreneurs great ideas.


I remember seeing this movie in school as a lesson to learn about drugs. But I don't remember what I learned....

I also have no clue what a child could possibly get out of this movie. Unless it was a history lesson to get a view of Tehran Iran before it got taken over by the religious state. The mountain areas where the warlords held power look exactly the same as current news photos. Even the part about roads going through narrow canyons and getting blown up by unseen, hidden bombs.

As an adult, 40s, who never heard of this film before watching, it came across as a glamorous spy/espionage thriller. No lessons learned here.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.
