'Water, Thirsty, Sickman'

This definitly goes up there with the best MST3Ks.

"You get a thousand bucks to join and a thousand bucks when its over, thats at least a thousand bucks!"

"Sure wish I coulda had some of them tasty frog legs."

"Chinease fire drill"

"I seen torn pants like that before"

"I think your supposed ta strangle me till I'm dead."

"Hope you guys don't mind I dress like ole time sheriff"

Anymore quotes you can think of?



Movie: As the charactors are flying it starts thundering. It then cuts to an outside shot with the sun shining.

Servo: It is really starting to come down...hey wait a minute it's beautiful out.

*repeated line* You Shove Off.

Push the button Frank-Dr. Forrester


The thing about "Water, thirsty, sick man" is that line was in the actual movie, if that's possible to believe. it's not something that the MST3k-er's said. it's just something they made fun of and we're all better off for it.

i said across her nose, not up it!!



As a Holmes fan (duh, see user name) I loved the 'he's a regular Mycroft Holmes.' Although admitingly it didn't really make a lot of sense. Plus, all the Curly/3 Stooges references were great.

"Ah, Moe's gonna kill me..."
-Coleman "Curly" Francis


(After Coleman says "Bay of Pigs":)
"That's what they say when I go swimming."

("Castro" is writing something down)
"Get.... real... beard."



"Boy I could go for some of those tasty frog legs."

Push the button Frank-Dr. Forrester


Actually, that classic line from "Night Train to Mundo Fine" or "Red Zone Cuba" of "Water, thirsty, sick man" brings to mind a near brush with death that I experienced shortly after watching this movie. I developed severe dental pain which required a root canal to resolve. To alleviate the pain, the dentist prescribed Vycodaine (sp?)which I'd never taken before. Not only did it not relieve the pain, the vycodaine disoriented me so much I drank excessive amounts of water which led to a condition called hyponatremia, or excessive low sodium in the body. I blacked out and had to be briefly hospitalized. Afterwards, thanks to some alert doctors, it was found the hyponatremia had caused me to suffer a seizure that led to rabdomyelesis (sp?) or severe breakdown of muscle tissue that raised the presence of myoglobin in my blood which in turn could have led to severe kidney damage. As I said, thanks to alert doctors, this latter consequence was avoided and I am largely recovered. All of this is a long way of warning people that "Red Zone Cuba" isn't merely a bad cinematic experience but can be life-threatening.



"Look at him run, the little fem."

"Oh, pschaw, there's always too many beans!"

"Chinese fire drill...."

(after failing to get the car top up) "Thanks guys, I was getting cold."

"Was [John Carradine] always 100 years old?"

"I'll keep walking, and eventually they'll stop filming."

"Yeah, I know, I look like the guy who just got killed. I get that a lot."


"And they do light gardening at midnight..."


"Nice plywood guitar on the wall there."

"That was an official thing I just did there!"

"I think you're s'posed to strangle me til I'm dead!"

"I had to finish smoking before I could find that amusing."

"De Yankees will pay handsomely for you, Senor Francis."




Janet Reno's moving in to stop the movie!
"Wherever this is" PD!
Fuzzy Thurston is... The Fugitive!
Good point, uhhh, whoever said that.
The massive attack force storms the beach!
And the battle for Door County rages on.
They captured the Frito Bandito?
Yeah, I know, I look like the guy who just got shot, I get that a lot.
Maybe now would be a good time to put my hands on my knees and rotate.


-The really shouldn't have skimped on the privacy fence
-they really hate ankles.

