MovieChat Forums > Night Train to Mundo Fine Discussion > Please... please... what the fuzzle

Please... please... what the fuzzle

umm... ergh... what the hell? honestly... please... someone tell me something kinda sorta like the plot... there has to be one in depressed hyper violent curly's mind... please someone.. .mst3k did nothing to soften the blow of this absolute horror that has seriously scarred my grey matter... there's nothing i can do to lessen the utter physical revulsion i feel at the end of this movie... why god why... why god why.. and i hope that all the extra pounds on coleman are serving as excellent kindling while he's roasting in hell. oooooof


I feel your pain. One of the ugliest “movies” ever made. It qualifies as a “movie” only in that there are images on the screen and at various times they do “move.” But it’s like something out of a delirium, fever induced nightmare edited by a brain damaged hamster with attention deficit disorder. It should come with a disclaimer saying "view at your own risk", otherwise the possibity of brain damage and the life-long need for anti-psychotic medication could occur and the fact that no one, under any circumstances, should watch the un-Mistied version of this mess. I absolutely love the fact that Coleman Francis tries to make the audience feel pity for Griffin at the end of this gem when he finally gets what he deserves. Especially after he's led the other two nitwits down the wrong path, tries to choke one of them to death, kills a couple of other people along the way, throws an old man down a well while his blind daughter is PLAYING THE PAINO (what's up with that?), and shoots an innocent, unarmed woman. The completely inapproiate musical score is another bonus. But it's not like watching a movie made by people who have never made one before. It's like watching movie made be people who have never SEEN one before.

I’m Cherokee Jack.


This movie is what we would have gotten if James Elroy had gone to film school.

Bob Church


Any relation to the Church of Bob?

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


Nope, no slack to spare. Sorry


Oh, yes: the plot. A maddingly circuitous version of the Bay of Pigs incident: American losers recruited by mercenary army guy (Chastine? was that his name?) to try to overthrow Castro (represented by bearded guy in Jeep). Mercenaries caught, jailed, some executed; stragglers escape.

I'm sure Coleman's premise was noble; his execution was, well, execution.


The visual train wreck that is this movie doesn't have enough coherency to have what could actually be called a 'plot'. The prison break at the beginning is the last thing that makes any sense at all. After that it devolves into a turgid mess so bizarre that it makes Eraserhead look good by comparison. The thing that gets me the most is why Francis would write himself a character that repulsive and unappealing to star as. Is that really the legacy you want to be remembered for, Mr. Francis? Playing(in my opinion) the worst, most horribly unappealing human being to ever grace celluloid? Well, whatever floats your boat. At least with this guy he'll be remembered rightly - as a total jerk off with a personality akin to grey water.
