MovieChat Forums > Night Train to Mundo Fine Discussion > So... Uh... What was this movie about?

So... Uh... What was this movie about?

I just watched the MST3K version, and I have no idea what happened. Some random young guy talked to some random old guy at a train station about some other random guy, then some guys wanted money, then they meet Cherokee Jack, so they went to Cuba, and they got captured or something, and then they had to train, and then they were prisoners, and then they escaped, and then they flew to.... somewhere, and then they killed some random man with some random blind daughter that randomly played the piano or something, and then they stayed with some guy's wife, and then Coleman Francis dies. -the end-

What am I missing?

"Visits? That would indicate visitors."

~~ Plan 9 From Outer Space


I don't think there was supposed to be an actual plot, so much as a character study about men on the run. So it's just a series of vignettes about criminals doing criminal things. Which is why the film is so disjointed.



It's about being caught in the machinery of the modern world.


You got the wrong flick. Mine is about the second coming.

Let it be unsaid: insignificance is the locus of true increpation.


Only saw the MST3k version, but I'd say it was about a guy that escaped prison, who tags along with two other former convicts, who try to scam the government out of an up-front $1000 payment for joining some kind of army unit that intends to overthrow Castro. But the money was a lie, so they get stuck actually invading Cuba. They get captured, but escape just before they're about to be executed. It was hard to tell to me when they actually escaped Cuba and got back to the US, but eventually they did and then they went to the home of one of the guys that was left behind, wanting to exploit a mine on his property. Then the police catch up to them and there's a shoot out. Then the guy they left behind returns. Fin.


People are placing too much thought into the plot of the movie. It's about a guy who loves coffee and hurting things while eating and drinking and with small aircraft.

I think the murdering and an implied doing of something with the Blind Girl (which was cut to make the MST3K family friendly) and drinking and and eating and stealing was just an autobiography of Coleman Francis. This is how he saw life. As a disjointed booze binge fest that stumbles from minutes of sobriety to minutes of sobriety.
