The tobacco pouch.

I recall seeing this movie when I was younger and Karl Malden carried around a tobacco pouch that angered Steve McQueen. Can someone explain?

"Sir, you don't want to rent that movie. That's one of those you have to read."


The tobacco pouch belonged to McQueen's mother or father whom Malden killed.

It was a memento that Malden kept of the killing.


Fitch said the pouch was "made from the dress of an Injun squaw". Max's mother.


The tobacco pouch played the role of a clue in the story and the pouch was in the book THE CARPETBAGGERS also. However, in the book the tobacco pouch was made from one of the breasts of Max's mother and one of the killers carried it until he was tracked down by Nevada Smith (born Max Sand).


If you watch when they start torturing his parents they "admire" the beadwork over her left breast of her dress
