Cornel and Mel

I wonder how much the works of Cornel Wilde influenced the works of Mel Gibson? There are certainly parallels between "The Naked Prey" and "Apocalypto"
ya thinks?

Ye Must Be Born Again


Whether intentional or not, there are many similarities ( the whole prisoner march scene etc).


I haven't seen Mel's film yet, but from the trailer, etc., all I could think was... wasn't there an old film that sounded like it had the same plot? After remembering it starred Cornel Wilde, I finally found it ... and this forum. So, will see what I think after viewing both.


I agree. As soon as the chase started, I thought, "Hey--it's the Naked Prey!" It's a concept that wears well and does not get old. It is also, by the way, based on the real-life experience of John Colter.


I thought this film has been made before. The eclipse of the sun scene reminded me of a couple of others too.


What a minute... The Naked Prey is based on American mountain man John Colter? Like to hear more on that. I know about Colter being pursued by Blackfoot Indians in a famous chase scenario, which was mentioned in the recent "Blood and Thunder- an epic of the American West" by Hampton Sides, about Kit Carson and the taming of the American West (great book BTW), but this is news to me that Britisher Wilde would base his film on that incident.


Was just about to start a new thread that said how much APOCALYPTO owes to THE NAKED PREY when I found this discussion already in progress. Not much new to add, just want to echo that Mel was clearly influenced by this film.


Originally Wilde planned to make the Colter story with Indians in America, but had trouble with financing. An when he was able to get assistance from (I believe) South Africa, he tweaked the story to that of a big game hunter on safari.
The Criterion disc has Paul Giamatti reading a 10 minute or so passage about the Colter incident.


yeah i saw apocalypto then this movie there are definitely influences


Agreed, there are many similarities between the two films, the one major differance being that Cornel, due to his body stocking, only had one bum cheek, while the natives in Mel's film had two.


Quite a funny observation there...

But seriously, I'm almost sure Mel Gibson did base his plot for APOCALYPTO on THE NAKED PREY. However, the hero in THE NAKED PREY was a "white big game hunter" while APOCALYPTO's was a young Mayan hunter. I guess politics in portraying heroes have changed over the years in terms of the trends of political correctness, race equality & realism in film portrayals (which is often gritty) - something CORNEL WILDE was bold enough to attempt with this film during the 1960's. So I guess, credit is due more to Cornel Wilde rather than Mel Gibson for his pioneering work in THE NAKED PREY.


One of the few problems that I had with "Apocalypto" was that I couldn't I stop thinking of 'The Naked Prey' It really bothered me, lol.

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wonder if mel is going to do a remake of "the Naked Prey?" If anybody else did it, it might be okay, but would he wind up offending the black population with
something said?


Why when Apocalypto is seen to be influenced at least partially by The Naked Prey, and irregardless the two films share some obvious similarities.


Aside from being PC, it was far more realistic that another native could outrun & outsmart another tribe than a complete outsider unfamiliar with the terrain or a hunter gatherers lifestyle. Realistically a white man could not outrun or outmatch such a people.


An interesting point and worth consideration if the producers were intending a film about anthropological probabilities and the physical attributes acquired through living in a primitive society. The producers were, I think, more interested in producing an entertainment (with some broad points about pride, respect, survival, and grit in general), featuring a major star, himself one of the producers, then selling their product for more than it cost to make it.

It seems to me the only logical extension of your criticism would be not to have made the movie in the first place.


I'm sure for white people they find it very entertaining as it symbolizes the white man prevailing against the primitive savage in their own turf. But as an outsider, I did jot find it entertaining nor believable. I am glad it came out though. Because I am sure it influenced Apocalypto as it is one of the most entertaining & watchable films I have seen.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


Well, given all "white people" find the same things entertaining and all non-white people find those things a bore, your opinion of this film certainly fits the expectation we all must have. Don't you wish all dramatic criticism was so easy? . . .


And RUN OF THE ARROW 1957. I think both are based on separate, but very similar incidents.

RUN OF THE ARROW was produced first, but the "hunt" was only a portion of the story, whereas in THE NAKED PREY it's pretty much the entire story.

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time


Both films are variations of "The Most Dangerous Game". Men hunting other men through the wilderness as sport.
