Marat/Sade... recast.

I am currently in a high school production of this play (as Coulmier), and I thought it would be fun to recast it with modern actors. Keep note that I thought long and hard about each one. Don't ask me why. I swear... I have too much free time.

The Marquis de Sade - PAUL SORVINO
Jean-Paul Marat - RALPH FIENNES
Charlotte Corday - HOPE DAVIS
Monsieur Coulmier - CARY ELWES
Simonne Evrard - AMANDA PLUMMER
Jacques Roux - BILLY BOYD


hope davis? whatever.


I can't believe that "Marat/Sade" was presented at a high school. The knowledge of so many different elements of so many different forms of theatre are being blended together in Weiss's play. It is hard to believe that high school students would be able to grasp these concepts. (I mean no offense, honestly.) Unless of course this is a strictly performing arts high school, which if so would have the faculty availible to help students grasp the concepts of Brecht, Artaud and Brook which are presented in the play.

BTW, I saw your post was from 2004, how did the production turn out? I have always wanted to see a production of "Marat/Sade" but have never been able to find anyone doing it.


I just saw a production of Marat/Sade at Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL. I went to it not knowing what I was in for. It was like visiting an asylum. The patients were wondering around before the play started. They never broke character. Very well done.


I would imagine it to be an amazing theatrical experience. I have not seen or heard of it being put on anywhere, but I would certainly love to see it. This is not a piece that can be put on anywhere by just any group of people (with all due respect robertrosado, your high school could have a superbly skilled group of actors).


I'm studying this for my Theatre Studies A-Level, and I just don't understand it at all. I'm coming out of every lesson with a banging headache!!

Soon, we must all have to choose between what is right, and what is easy.


Look at it in levels. Peter Weiss wrote "Marat/Sade" in 1964 about the Marquis de Sade who had written/directed a play about the assination of Jean-Paul Marat in 1793, four years after the storming of the Bastille in 1789, performed by the inmates of the Asylum of Charenton in 1808. And now, present day (2006) we watch it all on stage/film. There is layering throughout the play by actors playing insane inmates playing characters. Costumes over costumes. Audience members watching audience members watching a play.

Great example of Brechtian and Artaudian techniques. Read Peter Brook's "Empty Space". He employs a lot of his techniques from his book in this film. Might help you get the play a bit more. :)


I would LOVE to see this performed on stage!



My school performed it last year (I was Kokol, one of the singers) and we didn't start any proper rehearsals for around a month - we went through the text (with help from the Philosophy teacher) until we really understood exactly what was being said. I believe it worked well, as the peformance got some fantastic reviews.


I didn't grasp it all when I was in High School. You might say that it took me almost 20 years to grasp it.

most people never grasp it

they don't get to be in this play in High School

Warm Regards,

Erik B. Anderson
Independence Township, New Jersey
Established 1782


I once had a student who had a great wish to see this play done by the Muppets. I can't remember who was to play what, but I remember my theatre history class wandering off into a really great discussion of which muppet would play what and why. I think it all arose from my own insane what if scenario which I had posed earlier in the semester of what if Rocky Horror Picture Show was done as a court masque in James I time, with design by Inigo Jones, music by Purcell, and book by Ben Johnson, how would it be the same/different? This led to a discussion of RHPS done by muppets, and finally by the end of the semester, i think inspired the Muppets Marat/Sade.


That's so weird. The two musical shows being put on by my university right now are Rocky Horror and Marat/Sade.


Forgive me for being such a scifi chick, but I believe that James Callis and Summer Glau may have the abilty to pull an amazing Marat/Corday. I Like Hope Davis,But I think that more fitting would maybe be..Hope Sandoval: ]


I think Paul Sorvino is an inspired choice! He has a certain poetry to his delivery of lines. I actually thought when I first saw this film that Marat was played by Jonathon Pryce. I don't think physical resemblance is a good enough reason to pick him in a geeky hypothetical recast, but I felt it was a good place to mention it.

For some reason I think Gabriel Byrne might be intense and mysterious as Marat, and Gary Oldman would be an actor I'd trust to transform himself into the troubled, driven, and... well, sadistic Marquis.
