Rifftrax live: best lines

"If you put a flashlight in a cylinder, it's a planetarium." "IS IT?"
"I miss Michael Vick."
And of course, the Twilight skit.


[closeup of Torgo] "Somewhere a young Tom Selleck is watching this and saying 'Hey, me too!'"

"Here's... here's... heeeere's Johhny!"

and yes on the planetarium... the whole theater howled at that one.


I forgot about here's Johnny! Ahh, I hope they put this out on DVD.


If you close your eyes this scene takes on an entirely different context.

Funny thing is I actually did close my eyes

I still had a ham sandwich for lunch and my mom makes great pork chops-George Allen


I closed mine too.


I know, so did we!

It was brilliant how they 'put' the cat in his briefcase so it would be even funnier later.


Ditto on everyone cracking up at the planetarium line.

We also went crazy when Norman peeked out over the car roof and failed to notice the briefcase and Bill went "OhNowWhatTheHELL!!??"


In the scene where Torgo was attempting to molest the wife, Margeret, she is saying "Let me out of here, let me out of here now, do you here? Now!" and I think Corbett riffs something like......"The exact words I wrote as a review for Arby's on Yelp!"


After Torgo gets his hand burned off: "This is how a McRib is made!" Everybody in the audience was cracking up after that line!


Boob check.. Uhh i mean bed check XD

j.j watson


When the Master wakes all his wives with the:


Cut to a scene of them all sitting and chattering like hens and then a beaten shot of the Master

Mike riffed: "UN-ARISE! UN-ARISE!"

And of course, the planetarium line. Man, that had me shriek laughing...


When the little girl Debbie speaks (and no one understands what she is mumbling) I think it's Kevin that says: Oh yes dear red-rum ... whatever."

And as Torgo is reaching slowly for the Mother she stands strangely still. Mike says: "This is super-creepy but I'll just stand right here and see where he's going with this ...." and as he pats her hair (and she's still not doing anything but standing there) "I'd stop him but his hand-grease is volumizing."


Margaret: "Mike, I don't think I can take this much longer!"

Mike Nelson, to Kevin: Hey--that sounds like you during rehearsal...

Yeah, they're dead; they're--all messed up!




Mike singing "You make me feel like dancing" when Torgo opens the door

"Never shall ye get me alive ye rotten hound of the burnie crew"


I didn't think it could get funnier than MSTk3000 but the Rifftrax guys hit it perfectly!

Another line from the "cylinders" rift was the little girl giving the camera a weird grin and I think it was Bill who said in a equally weird voice: "I made you something!"

In MANOS Mike's comment about Mike (the Dad): "He's not exactly Liam Neeson in TAKEN."


I always lose it at the scene when the Master has sentenced Torgo to die

The master: You have failed as Torgo. For this you must die!
Mike (as Torgo): Well, I've had a good run, lived life to it's fullest! Every day a joy!

Pretty much every scene with Torgo.

I need about three fiddy.


Torgo looking through the window as wife is undressing "hamina hamina...."
