Those Dreaded Silicates!

These creatures have haunted me for the past 39 years! I saw this movie as a kid in the 70s. Did not know the name of the movie though. However, I never forgot those “vacuum-cleaner-like monsters” that scared the hell out of me as a kid. I remember watching it on Saturday afternoon TV. Afterwards, my mom put me in bed for a nap but I couldn’t sleep because I was so terrified. I searched for this movie all my adult life, but could never find it. I tried to describe the creature on horror movie forums, but no one knew what I was. “Maybe you dreamed it,” I was told. No, I was SURE I saw this movie. Finally, after more internet searching, a woman from Europe e-mailed me with the name of the movie. When I looked at screenshots from the movie & saw the creature, I said, “THAT’S IT! THAT’S THE MOVIE!”

The movie is free on YouTube. Crystal clarity. So, I watched it again, this time as an adult. What a thrill it was to see that movie again. Those darn silicates still sent a chill up & down my spine especially with those weird sucking noises & that spooky music that played whenever one was near. Love the one that dropped out of the tree!

This was the movie that started my love of horror cinema.


You just described exactly what I've been going through for probably the same amount of time. I did remember the name "Silicates", but couldn't remember the movie title and, like you looked feversihly for it online. Finally doing a google image search of"Silicates" is how I found the movie name and, naturally led me to this page!


OMG! Your story is the same as mine! I watched it as a child on Saturday afternoon on creature feature and was terrified. I have not seen it since but am looking for the DVD to add to my collection.

Peter Cushing at his best! Great fun movie!


A very entertaining anecdote! Glad you found it!

As Peter Cushing's Dr. Stanley quipped about the horrid silicates, "Nasty little creatures, aren't they!"

"Don't go down to the lake! I'm warnin' ya."


Thanks for the info on the YouTube download. That restoration is wonderful. I watched it tonight on Svengoolie on MeTV and it was not of high quality. Anyone wanting to watch this, watch it on the YouTube. denny tango channel.

Enjoy your day.
