
What's that in the "Trivia" section about Frank Sinatra?

Did I miss something?



Good Times, Noodle Salad


This must be catching everyones attention,
"While making the film, Frank Sinatra was caught in a riptide and almost drowned. Actor Brad Dexter swam out and rescued him. Sinatra and Dexter became close friends, and Dexter was later given a job at Sinatra's production company.".
I think they have mixed up "From Here To Etrenity", with "Hawaii", as they shared the same location and director.


Actually I think the Brad Dexter/Sinatra trivia piece belongs in None But the Brave, in which they both appeared. This film and Hawaii were filming in Hawaii at the same time.


Oh good grief---> they need to remove that line. Trivia is one of my favorite parts to read. Thanks mac!

Good Times, Noodle Salad
