MovieChat Forums > La grande vadrouille (1966) Discussion > Is the dubbed english version any good?

Is the dubbed english version any good?

For those of you who have seen the dubbed version in english, or -- better -- for those of you who have seen the dubbed and original version : Is the english version as good as the original one?

Most of the funny dialogue lines come from the french trying to speak english and the english trying to speak french, and I would be concerned that a translation would remove part of this?

What becomes of :

-Are You?
-You are? Where is big moustache?
-I don't know know, and if you don't know I don't know non?
-I don't understand
-And if you don't come, I Oh Merde alors comment...
-comment ça merde alors, but alors you arrre frrrench?
-you arrre not english?

or of
-Ce sera vite fait : entrer, pick up Macintosh, sortir et foutwe le camp.

and so on...

