MovieChat Forums > Georgy Girl (1966) Discussion > What the hell is this movie about?

What the hell is this movie about?

Well I've just seen it and there's no plot really, is there? I mean, what is it that Georgy wants? Or the whole point is that she doesn't even know it?

I'm just curious because during the whole movie I wasn't really sure what to think of it. :D

Keiraholic Nº10

This film's crap, let's slash the seats



Oh right, because your reply on the other hand is very helpful and mature.

Keiraholic Nº10

This film's crap, let's slash the seats


It's about her figuring out what she wants.
She starts out an awkward kid who thinks she should like what her cool room-mate likes.
By the end she has made choices which leave her with the things she really wanted all along: a partner who wants to be with her and a child.

Another point is that this was the swinging sixties. She is a real misfit because she chooses marriage and motherhood when her peergroup are all meant to be out shagging everyone.

I liked her as a character and I was so glad that the writers didn't make this into a morality tale and kill her off just because she slept with the wrong guy.


Thanks. ;)
I didn't know a lot about the plot, I just went and watched it cause I liked Charlotte Rampling in "The Verdict". From the little I read about it, I had a feeling the story would be more specific, so I got caught up in all of it and without the subtitles. :)

Keiraholic Nº10

This film's crap, let's slash the seats



I agree with what the others here have said. It's true
My feelig was that she always loved children and wanted love and motherhood.
Yes, there were the times... the 60's and she had the feeling that she was ugly compared to her roomie/friend, but all she ever really wanted was to be a wife and mother.
Think of this as a little slice of life. Many films serve this up.

Fasten your seatbelts.... It's going to be a bumpy night!


Yes, this movie is a slice of life, a character study. A misfit girl in the swinging 60's, and her eventual life choices. That's all. You watch it for the performances and the mood, there's no complicated heavy plot. I do like the real, gritty, grubby everyday filming locations that show what London is (was) actually like. Reminds me of Eastenders.... I always wonder what happened in the later years, if the marriage to her 'old man' was happy, and what became of the child, who would be 45 now!


That's exactly what I was Sarah would be 45! I wonder if she had a good life...?



I thought it was pretty simple to figure out, but we each view through different lenses and different times....short and sweet...THE UGLY DUCKLING and DADDY LONGLEGS set in the swinging sixties of London

the early sixties had a lot of "kitchen sink" dramas that made huge and deserved stars of actors such as Alan Bates, Tom Courtney, Albert Finney, Richard Harris, David Hemmings and actresses such as the Redgrave Ladies, so different but Vanessa originally scheduled for this part! Julie Christie, Glenda Jackson

i saw this on SATURDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES back when i was a kid in the late sixties...i thought it sexy and romantic, then having seen it several other times, madly sentimental, outdatedly 60s british "technique" kind of like the Beates movies or TOM JONES (3). More recently I've been tremendously moved by the performance of the late Lynne Redgrave, you could really ham up the role of Georgy....what does she want? from the beginning its the children, its mothering Meredith the Cow, goofing off on her not being one of the pretty ones.

The song like many of the 60s is very of its time, but just watched on TCM, switched over to Julie Christie's Oscar winning role in DARLING and tevoing BLOWUP with Vanessa REdgrave.....this time period in British cinema is kind of like the French New Wave, the Hollywood years (24-post WW2), the Itanlian neo reolistims, the BERGMAN ourvre, the Young Guns of the late 60s and 70s (independent movies backed by studios like EASY RIDER, FIVE EASY PIECES, MASH, MIDNIGHT COWBOY).....

Sorry to ramble, i just really did personally feel there was a very timeworn plot, put over with the 60s British Wave, great actors and actresses, and witty often, sophomoric sometimes, but i saw the story developing from the beginnning..i got the vis a vis reference from oneof my film books, and it indeed seem like the ugly duckling getting what she wants, her prince charming isnt the be all of her life, the baby is and Alan Bates and Charlotte Rampling develop the points that are there from the beginning with the great James Mason, almost deliciously performing as in LOLITA



I really enjoyed your post. I, too, have always been a fan of those British films of the early/mid 60's. Do you remember Rita Tushingham? She was in two great films, A TASTE OF HONEY and THE GIRL WITH GREEN EYES.

And, to speak to the movies of the 70's. Have you ever read Peter Buskind's wonderful book, EASY RIDERS, RAGING BULLS? It's a great book about the making of all the wonderful movies in the era of Hollywood 70's.



I just watched this for the first time in decades, I think the visuals while The Seekers song is playing over the beginning credits sum up the movie from the start: she feels like she needs a new hairdo, to become with it (tm sixties lingo) and she ends up going to a loo bathroom and getting rid of it.

It was an interesting time in London in 1966, the devastation of WWII had healed a bit, The Beatles and Rolling Stones had perked things up, there was a lot going on in fashion and design, I can see how easy it was to feel like you weren't a part of that if you wanted a simpler life.


Her character seemed to be a walking contradiction. She dressed up in that glitzy dress, than sabotaged herself in front of all except James Mason; by acting like a falling-down drunk. And when she's making out with Bates on the sofa, she's making noises like she's enjoying it, but then he stops because he thinks she wants him to stop. It made no sense. I'd waited years to see this, and now realize it was a waste of time.


The film Georgy Girl was about a homely, gawky girl who, as other posters have succinctly put it, was a real misfit among her so-called peers who were slim, pretty-looking, and always out on dates, and at parties. George wanted all that too, but guys weren't attracted to her, and the girls just ignored her.

Having been ignored by guys as well as girls myself as a teenager back during the 1960's, despite being an attractive-looking person, for all kinds of reasons that're too complicated and personal to disclose on this board, I can sort of identify with Georgy somewhat, regarding wanting to fit in and so on.

Georgy finally resigned herself to the fact that she didn't fit in, but she bloomed later.

