Fond Reminder of Childhood

I thought the movie was great!!......I was six at the time..... but it was better than the Godzilla movies....that's for sure....


It is, absolutely the best Giant Monster movie ever,


I saw this movie at the Drive-In theater as a double-feature with Monster Zero. I, too, was terrified of the green gargantua. When he ate that girl and spit her out, I got physically ill. Outside the car, luckily. I was nine at the time and am 46 now. Still traumatized, I guess.........


Same here...this was BIG in my childhood.

I grew up in the LA area. One of the local stations (Channel 5) when I was a kid in the early 70s would latch onto a movie and run it in the same slot all week. Missed it Mon, it will be on Tue, Wed, Thur and Fri. AND, to make it better they loved to show monster movies, including this one.

My frends and i would gather at someone;s house and we would watch Godzilla, Gamera, Mothra and of course the Gargantuas. This one was the best. Great footage...and I think the kind of monsters they were allowed human portrayal to look better than just a rubber suit. Mainly because of their facial features I think.

When this mvoie came on...we would watch it every night of the week.

I also saw this as an opener for Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster. Another bit of nostalgia for me is the Sat and Sun matinees that would show 2 sometimes 3 or 4 monster movies. Parents used to have the luxery of dropping their fairly young kids off at the theater to be babysat all day...and not feel any danger in that. I spent many Saturdays and Sundays in matinee movie festivals watching monster movies and/or cartoon marathons.


I remember this, along with "King Kong v. Godzilla", as major highlights of my Saturday afternoon "Creature Feature" period when I was a kid. Probably what warped me at an early age.


I remember watching this alooong time ago, like when I was 6 or so, on a saturday afternoon. Scared the p!ss out of me, but as with any giant monster movie it was worth it. Sadly, the ol' mind forgot the title, and been looking for it ever since. Thanks to Netflix I found it. And enjoyed every moment of it. :)


Me too. My brother and I still joke about scenes from this movie such as the spitting out of the clothes after consuming a human and the "che,che" dialogue of the creatures.

Then there was the song the caucasian lady was singing at the airport..."the words get stuck in my throat" so funny then and now.


This movie and the Godzilla flick where his son blew smoke rings (the title eludes me) were the big must-sees on the "Creature Double Feature" offerings from Channel 56 in Boston back in the day. If either of those were on, my brother and I were in front of the TV watching yet AGAIN. What a hoot. I saw this one again a few years ago as an adult and I still found it entertaining.


Yes. I recall as well. We still laugh about these when recounting our Creature Feature viewing. We were in Miami then.


I agree that this brings back memories of the old Creature Double Feature days back on Saturday mornings in Boston. That along with watching World Wrestling Federation at 11:00 a.m and Saturday morning cartoons were the best. The other movie that scared the piss out of me was 'The Brain that Wouldn't Die'. Never understood why that guy just never bothered to find another chick (the ones he took home so he could use their body were better looking than head he was keeping alive). And they would not have a scar around their neck forever to boot.
