time for a remake

anybody agree? Who would you cast and what roles? Hero and Philia should be play by newcomers. How about Robin Williams, Eddie Murphy or Jim carrey in the cast?


If they make it, I'll go see it. But there will never, ever be another Zero Mostel.


They's probably use Nathan Lane.

Johnny Carson 1925-2005. We will never forget you.


but he is not a hollywood box office draw. remember what happened to the film version of the musical the producers? They will get a box office star like the ones I wrote earlier.


I dunno, the tricky thing about Williams, Murphy, or Carrey is that they can get a little overzelious, which would ruin a good movie. Plus, can any of them actually sing?


williams can and so can Murphy. they did Aladdin and dreamgirls. the character of Psuedolous needs overacting anyway and so do the other characters.


Look, please don't support remakes. It's gonna fail, and only retarted teenagers are gonna see it.

Johnny Carson 1925-2005. We will never forget you.


"Look, please don't support remakes. It's gonna fail, and only retarted teenagers are gonna see it."

Are you saying that only "retarted" teens see remakes? True, most remakes are unneccessary, but what about "3:10 to Yuma" or "Ocean's 11" They received positive reviews and box office success. I don't think "retarted" teens write those reviews.


Here's one you probably didn't see coming. How about Zach Braff from Scrubs? I think he'd be brilliant. His comic timing on Scrubs is dead on.


Hopefully his doctoring isn't. {ba-dum-dump.}

If there is a remake, they should put back in all the songs from the play that got cut from the original film. And maybe get someone a tad younger for the part of Hero.

The words "clean" and "wholesome" make me want to run in the oppisite direction.




Well, what I meant was that teenagers wont know that there is an original version and only know of a remake.

Johnny Carson 1925-2005. We will never forget you.


I would LOVE to See and Hear Anne Hathaway in a remake, she would be hilarous singing 'Lovely'!

R.I.P Heath Ledger


EDDIE? I like him but face facts he hasn't done anything but junk of late

See some stars here


Actually, it's time to make the film properly. This film did not do justice to the original show. (I know; I was Domina in a local production.) They left out half the songs, including the most important one - 'Free'. They also left out Domina's song 'That Dirty Old Man', in which she explains how much she actually loves Senex. Without it, she just comes off as a spiteful witch.

The scriptwriters added a lot of unnecessary padding, while leaving out some brilliant comic turns. The whole meeting with Lycus in the street, the gladiator-in-training bit, and the extended chase (including the inadvertent invention of water-skiing), and much more were not in the original. In addition, Jon Pertwee was the original West End Lycus (opposite Leon Greene as Miles). He was slated to reprise the role for the film, but got relegated to a specially-written bit part when they brought Phil Silvers on board.

I saw Nathan Lane on Broadway as Pseudolus, and he'd be perfect for a new film. He's well-known from films, including 'Mouse Hunt', so that shouldn't be a problem. I'm not that familiar with the current up-and-coming crop of film actors, so I don't know who else I'd cast, except perhaps Sharlto Copley as Hysterium. I think he's got a face that would do well in the role, and he wouldn't have to be that great a singer.





lets boogie forsooth!


Well Whoopi Goldberg took over from Lane, and she IS boxoffice, she could play Pseudelus on a new movie. I think Robin Williams could do a good job too though.

I think perhaps Philip Quast or Earl Carpenter as Miles Gloriosus.

But yeah maybe some hollywood stars could help it out. I'd be inclined to say Lee Evans as Hysterium unless you can think of someone else?

I can see Doris Roberts as Domina for some reason.

How about Ian McKellan as Erroneous?


Nathan Lane would be the best in the role, even though he isn't a huge Hollywood actor.


I dunno, he's been in quite a few movies, including musical movies :)


I think Erroneus should be played by a comedian. Leslie Nielsen perhaps?

Johnny Carson 1925-2005. We will never forget you.


Too late.


In theory, I think a remake of this would be great. In reality, I know they'd screw it up so badly it would make my head spin, not to mention ruin the original movie for me.

Charmed, charmed, charmed!


Nothing could ruin the original and I agree there will never be another Zero...I just wish the remake mania would die out.

Merry Christmas ya filthy animal.


If they did remake it, put the songs back in.
