Suggested for mature audiences?

Why for? Is it that bad?


Not really.
Especially by today's standards.
It was released before movies had ratings, but if it were rated today it would probably be a PG...maybe a PG-13.
There's a bit of crude humor, most of it sexual in nature. A lot of talk about "virgins". The main character is in love with a "courteson" which means a prostitute. Some of the courtesons do belly dances, and there's some healthy cleavage, but nothing really that bad.
There's also an "orgy" but it's not what it sounds. It's just a bunch of soldiers sitting around eating food.
Trust me, it's pretty tame. And it's very funny.


There's also an "orgy" but it's not what it sounds. It's just a bunch of soldiers sitting around eating food.
Haha! That's right. And it's funny.

There are a lot of sexual innuendoes, but not in a tasteless way. There's one scene where the courtesans are trying to get Pseudolos to pick them, so the do a lot of strange dances, but they're all clothed (even if only something bra-like on top). And you see a lot of legs, but mostly of men in togas.

If released today, I'd go for the PG rating, but with an aim toward adults. The jokes would go right over the heads of little kids. Maybe "mature audiences" means that you have to be smart enough to think it's funny, because if you don't understand the jokes, it wouldn't be.

Gentlemen! You can't fight in here: this is the War Room!


Thanks guys for your replies! I was beginning to think no one would come to this board :)
I'll be sure to look for it, I just wasn't sure whether or not I should let my sister watch it with me (she's 12).
Thanks again!


I saw this in the theater back in 1966 or 1967, and it was considered fairly risque for the time, but it's pretty tame by today's standards. Just much funnier than almost anything made today. One of the two classic film preformances (along with The Producers) of the immortal Zero Mostel, who was primarily a stage perfomer (partly because of the dreadful blacklist).


Speaking of the blacklist, how could you forget to mention Zero Mostel's performance in Woody Allen's "The Front"!!!???? Certainly, that qualifies as the 3rd of his classic film performances!


also talk of 'eunuchs' :p


I played Senex in a community theater production of "Forum" in conservative Brigham City, Utah, in 2001. Even though the dialog might be considered tame by contemporary standards, it had to be considerably "cleaned up" so as to not offend the sensibilities of our largely Mormon audience.


Are you serious?! I can't imagine a show that has the number "Everbody Ought to Have a Maid" could even be considered for a Mormon community!


OH please they haven't grown up yet? If you have to make such cuts no point in having the play in the first place

See some stars here


It was recently aired on 'Sky Classics' in the U.K, and they gave it a PG rating, if that helps...

I never did one thing right in my life, you know that? Not one. That takes skill.


I've loved this film since I saw this over forty years ago when it got to my neigborhood theater (which no longer exists physically or conceptually). As as another poster noted, it was a pretty risque film for 1966


I saw this film when I was in the army in 1967.
One time they had a war film (Beach Red)which had scenes from both the American and Japan sides.

Rip Torn played a SGT who use the word CRAP which back then was as bad as using the word S**T.

The scenes from back in Japan had a few of the women topless

See some stars here


By today's standards it would get a G rating. And I am not kidding! But when it first came out it must have been very risqué.


I might be slightly reluctant to let my kid see this film, because of the "Maid" song, the slave sale and the orgy scenes. They were a bit risqué for 1966, but then again I saw it as a kid back then, and it didn't stunt my growth any. The movie was on TCM tonight, and it's frankly a great silly harmless movie.
