I am not a fan of

Sean Connerly. While I enjoyed the early Bond pics, and I loved Marnie, I have been left cold in every other thing he has done. He was miscasted in this and over played it. It would have been so much more interesting if he didn't have the looks, like Peter O'Toole said in Pussycat, "when the light hits me a certain way, I can be very handsome. Woodward also was racheted up a fee too far. She is always wonderful and I always love seeing her in anything, but again I thought it was overplayed. It was, however, a treat to see sweet Richie Castellanno, 40 lbs lighter. I wish he could have been with us a little longer, but the linguini won out.


That's a pity, I often told my little boy Samuel he would grow up to be the next Bond if he would just eat his darn vegetables

He never did.
