MovieChat Forums > Fahrenheit 451 (1966) Discussion > why do people adore themselves?

why do people adore themselves?

we see many instances of self adoration even the wife massaging her own breast.

is this meant to be the reaction of the drugs or the mental dumbing down of society [or both]?


I don't know but I think sort of like in Brave New World everyone has a massive ego and is over-sexualised, they have access to instant pleasure through technology and no neeed, desire or will to develop empathy or intellect through book-learning.


yes that was my thinking ie the Me-Me generation

but it seems to be a side effect of the drugs and not an intention of govt as we see the firemen stop the adoring


It's showing that people will have forbidden thoughts even without books "giving them those ideas."


Seems to represent today's society. Everybody in developed societies are all wired to the internet with computers and smart phones. People these days are in love with pampering themselves, sharing meaningless status updates, and taking a whole lot if selfies.


People these days are in love with pampering themselves, sharing meaningless status updates, and taking a whole lot if selfies.


yes that [ie the present "look at me, look at me society"] is what I was getting at, but how clever of Bradbury to once again not only forecast technology in the future but also the effect on J Doe.

Mendes shows this as part of the American Beauty with Angela [as the modern day Lolita] continually stroking her own hair and posing as if before a camera.


an attempt to feel something; it's for stimulation from the numbness caused by the pills.


that's what I thought too: it seemed as if people were stroking things, not just themselves, because they needed a tangible, tactile sensation. So much of their world was artificial as it is, and they were all missing out on the present reality.

"I'm sorry, but.." is a self-contained lie.


why do people adore themselves?
Gosh, I don't know why "people" adore themselves either as they are quite abhorrent.

Oh! You were talking about in the movie. Whoops!


Well, in the movie, you have a legitimately married couple that only sleep in their shared bed, except for ONE instance where she is wired after getting her stomach pumped and her blood replaced.

And how in the HECK did those ambulance people know her blood type? They could have killed her by giving her the wrong type of blood.

Even Montag rejected Linda during their fight when she says she can't sleep. He says "You have your pills, don't you?" Meaning he's not about to help her get to sleep with intimacy.


He seemed to prefer the thoughtful, well-read woman that he met on the tram (also played by Julie Christie, who played dual-roles in that film).


if i were Julie Christie, i would rub myself too

so many movies, so little time
