Duel at Diablo ~ ho hum

Can you believe this?
James Garner rescues the same woman {Bibbi Andersson} THREE times, and we're only 35 minutes into this one!
Others have said this is a great western?
Well, I guess everyone has an opinion!
This one's pretty hard, especially on the horses!
So many seemed to be falling and rolling in this oater, there must have been some casualties?

And get this tidbit of trivia:
I usually read about some of the characters in the cast and came across the one for "Alchise', played by one Eddie Little Sky.
This is what someone wrote on Eddie's 'bio' on IMDb:
"Eddie Little Sky's date of birth occurred on Sunday, August 15th, 1926. He and India's Nobel Peace Prize winner, Mother Teresa, perished on the exact same month, date and year, by coincidence, of Friday, September 5th, 1997. Eddie Little Sky's lifetime, in days alone was 25,954. 25,954 days, equals 3,707 weeks and 5 days and two days shy of 3,708 weeks and 25,956 days."

Now what the hell does that mean?

This one' a 4 of 10...and I'm being generous.
{and I adore Garner...but not in this one}.
'You can't HANDLE the truth!'


It means they are ignorant, slop eating peasants searching for truth in numerology. If they had any sense they'd look for truth in their toilet bowl!

The sense itself was I.
