SPOILER question

What happens to Martin Stephens character Ronny at the end?





Yes, that's exactly what happened. His mother went to see Granny Rigg, and "some sort of a bargain was struck." As in get him out, and I'll let him live.

But there are so many loose ends in the movie.

Did Granny Rigg really abuse her granddaughter? Was it only because she was under a spell?

Why did everyone disapprove of Ronnie's courtship of Linda? Was it because they were trying to preserve her virginity for the sacrifice?

Were any of the villagers willing participants in the rituals?

What was that vile mess they devoured during the ritual? It seemed to just sort of appear out of nowhere.

What role did the black cat play? And why was Gwen so wigged out that a cat that would come to visit her would already have an owner? Had she never seen an opportunistic cat before?

That whole thing about triggering Gwen's trauma and putting her in a nursing home seemed unnecessary. I'll bet they ran out of plot and had to put in a subplot to extend the movie.

I'm sorry, but I don't see anything "tight" about this movie.



Everybody was under the spell of Ms Bax. As soon as she died the villagers came out of their trance and everything was hunky-dory. The villagers were indeed keeping Linda as a virgin so that she could be sacrificed. The stuff the villagers were eating looked like mud and worms to me but I don't really know. The cat was used as a spy.

My god, this film made me feel uneasy. I'm odd as I can sit through something like Grindhouse which is an 18 and not bat an eyelid. But this is only a 12 and it had me not wanting to go to bed! LOL.

"Hey! Ladies! That was fun!"


Why did Ms. Bax die at the end? The sacrifice was spoiled by the blood but why would that kill her?



I think it was explained earlier from a grimoire that if the ceremony was besmirched in any way the one conducting the ritual would perish. This was the only way that Gwen Mayfield knew her actions would destroy the sorcery and save Linda.

The message is: Don't mess around with witchcraft because it can kill you.

