The funniest scene

After rewatching and rewatching this film, I found myself always grinning at the same scene.
It is a scene where Tuco tries to read the grave with no name "Unknown".
"Unk... unk..." before declaring that's no name haha

What's your funniest scene in this film?
I think there are couple of real good ones.


The sequence where Tuco is first brought into town and Blondie collects his bounty.


Oh yes, that Tuco being brought into town is one of the greatest scenes in movies, let alone in just this film. "One bastard goes in and another bastard comes out!"

Duty Now For The Future


Oh for me it has to be the famous "When you have to shoot, shoot; don't talk."

And also the scene where Tuco "buys" his gun. The documentary on the DVD has an interview with Wallach where he explains that this scene had a lot of improv: he told Leone that he didn't know anything about guns, and Leone basically said to just do what he felt like doing. Small slice of genius on Wallach's part, there, I think!

Not funny, but one that sticks in my mind is the tiny kitten that Blondie talks to about each gun having its own voice (and this is how he knows Tuco's around).


It hard to pick with with so many to choose from. But if I had to choose one it would be the scene where Tuco is running around the graveyard looking for the tombstone. It's just the way he runs it's hilarious.


Where Tuco reads the letter from Angel Eyes saying "see you later,......I .......I ...." Giving it to Eastwood to read the last word. Eastwood says "idiots" then gives Tuco the letter saying its for you.


I forgot how many funny things are in this movie, but like MrBullo said, I like that part where Tuco's trying to read Angel Eyes' note "See you later, idiots" and Blondie tells him "It's for you!"

I also love when Blondie & Tuco are wearing gray uniforms and soldiers ride up and Tuco says they're wearing gray too, and starts shouting. Then he tells Blondie, they're lucky and that God is on their side. The soldiers ride up, dust off, and reveal they're actually blue coats, and Blondie says something like "No He's not....God doesn't like idiots" or something to that effect and they get captured.

Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl


I always like the part where the hangman is reading the long list of Tuco's charges and they say "raping a virgin of the white race" and that lady in the crowd gasps.


haha yeah that scene is great when he snarls at the lady, in an interview with him he said he just did that on the spot and Leone liked it and kept it in.


What really sets that scene off is just how much stuff that he is accused of doing. They start reading off all of his offenses and the Angel eyes talks to the guy with no legs to get information about the girlfriend of Bill Carson. By the time he finishes and pays the guy and tells the woman on the stage coach that Tuco has a golden haired angel, I realized that the hangman is still reading off Tuco's offenses! It is pretty hilarious to me. It seems that Tuco has committed every crime known to man.


"If you work for a living, why do you kill yourself working?"


When Tuco laid the police officer or whoever he was on the railway track.


"How's your digestion now?"


The funniest scene in this movie can be summarized in two words by Eastwood:

"Sorry, Shorty."😂👍👍😂

(Just imagine the last thing going through Shorty's mind...)
