Memorable Scene

The spanking of Lee Van Cleef to Eli Wallach in the hut, with the
"Reb" orchestra playing outside.....


When Eli is running in the cemetery with the music playing.


I was recently searching a nearby graveyard looking for my great great grandmother, I was whistling the tune the whole time :-)


When Eli is running in the cemetery with the music playing.

There's a Modelo beer commercial that uses the music that plays in this scene. It's called The Ecstasy of Gold. I've seen this movie several times but this last time I watched it specifically because I wanted to see where that music takes place in the film. Great tune, along with the title theme.

My main recollection of this scene prior to this was that it made me dizzy, lol. All those graves spinning.


the scene where he says,' dont talk just shoot in the tub'. that is a well acknowledged one of the greatest piece of frame shot-not just here but also in the history of cinema!


The line is 'When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk.'

I used it as my signature for years.

Short Cut, Draw Blood


So true, makes tears in my eyes easily. Like some other scene like "Blondie" gives the last smoke for dying soldier after blowing the bridge. I think the Morricones music has part of it...


The most memoriable scene is Tuco with his brother father Ramirez. That is the scene that catipults this movie from really good to great. The way it adds to Tuco's character and who he is. And the scene brilliantly ends on the stage coach when Blondie hands him the cigarette, the music transistions beautifully from sympathetic to the main theme and their mission continues with a smile from Tuco. One of the best scene in all movies to me.



Every time I re-watch it I'm fascinating how deep and dimensional those "simple" characters.

Also would add the scene after the bath, when Tuco told he will kill them all. And then Blondie join him.

I think after the desert incident, Tuco relations with brother, exploding the bridge, both develop strong bond to each other. It's not a friendship, also very close. I don't know how to describe it.

At first they need each other purely for opportunistic reason, but while they discover things about each other, that Blondie is a rock solid partner, never let you down, and Tuco deep under the thick skin appreciate these small things (cigarette, no hard feelings when they even, etc)... and in the end they still need each other to find gold.

Truly unique camaraderie.


My favorite is the drunk Union captain dying as the bridge he's protecting gets exploded liberating his mens from pointless fighting and death.
Now, almost 50 years later, it's a bit cliché, but I like how this character is presented, from drunk to hearthful army captain.
Of course, it benefit Blondie and Tuco to destroy the bridge,as the cimetery is on the other bank of the river, but it's a case where they both work together doing something they know is for the better.


Soldier: "What did you say your name was?"
Tuco: ""
Soldier: "And you?"
Clint: "Er......"
Soldier: "heh, no. Hahahahaha"

It's hilarious. And Clints poker face almost breaks into a smile after too.
