The wardrobe of Fu Manchu

I thoroughly enjoyed both Fu Manchu films, The Face of Fu Manchu and The Brides of Fu Manchu. I believe both of them are meant to take place in the 1920s. However, I think the clothes the characters wear look rather too modern for 1920s Britain. I think the costume department got it wrong.

Does anyone else agree or disagree with me?



Nothing particularly noticeable -- to me -- in regards to the first two Fu films... but it is definitely the case in #3, THE VENGEANCE OF FU MANCHU (1967).

Some of the male characters wear distinctively 1960s suits, complete with skinny ties, even though the movie (like the first two) is set in the 1920s.

"Send her to the snakes!"


I think the locations, cars etc. and the male costumes were pretty close to period but the occidental female costumes, hair, shoes, underwear were definitely 60's. Most amusing. I'm almost sure that there was a retractable ball point pen (Biro) in the pocket of Franz in one scene and possibly being used by the nurse in another.


I think that Nayland Smith and Petrie always look 1920s in these films. But they seem to time travel to the 1960s for these stories.


Does anyone else agree or disagree with me?
You got it so right Paul. All the men are wearing 60's suits and the girls, 60's dresses and hairstyles. Even some of the phones we see are models from much later than 1924. I know it's a deliberately cheesy film, but it's literally full of anachronisms.🐭


Thanks. It's a strange film really, the sort of film that would never be made today...although I thoroughly enjoyed it I was baffled by the costumes! Can anyone else add anything?


That just adds to the charm.
