MovieChat Forums > The Time Tunnel (1966) Discussion > Was there a frozen Time Tunnel?

Was there a frozen Time Tunnel?

Was there an episode where they do return to the Time Tunnel but everyone is frozen still and can't move?


Actually, that happens in two episodes.

The first is in "Crack of Doom". Tony is retrieved, but the process creates a time warp and everyone is frozen. To fix it (and save Doug, who was about to be killed), he has to send himself back to Krakatoa.

It happens again at the beginning of "Merlin the Magician". Merlin freezes everyone, then pulls Tony and Doug, also frozen, into the control center, then dispatches them to Camelot before unfreezing everyone.


Ah....... I remember the Merlin episode, but haven't watched the volcano one.

Maybe Merlin was a Technomage like in Babylon 5. He understood what the Time Tunnel was so who knows.


That always ticks Me off Merlin had the power to bring them back
but did not .


Yes, that bugs me too. The attempt at an excuse they use is that Merlin's powers were depleted so he couldn't work any more magic for a while. But what's to stop him from going to find them after he recovered and sending them home then? Nothing, of course. He's just a jerk.
