IA and the Spanish Race

What was the problem with IA that, both in THE STORY OF MANKIND and TTT, he had such an hostile opinion of the Spanish?

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


There is no Spanish race..Do you mean the butchers that came to America, and killed, and cut up the Inca's, the Mayan's, and the Aztec??? J/K, i did not know he had a problem with them...

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


No, I mean the brave Spaniards and Portuguese who settled Latin America, Christianized the Indians and intermingled with them in order
to form the Latin American race and civilization of which I am a part.
Gringos like Allen, and their sassenach relatives, are just jealous because LatAme was not settled by English speaking Protestants.
Already in the 19th century, soon after independence, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia and other ex-Hispanic countries had leaders who were full-blooded Indians; has the USA or Canada ever had a full-blooded Indian as President, Prime Minister or Governor-General?

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


sorry bro, but there is no Latin american race either, there are only 3 races, the Hispanics you refer to are considered Caucasian...They might have intermarried with the Indians, but they still destroyed the Native Culture, just like the English, and French did in America, and Canada...there are very few full blooded Indians in the area now, a few, but not a lot..Sad, but true...And those English speaking protestants did pretty good for themselves, hell they have been to the Moon, what big accomplishments has Latin America done recently, hell the Americans even dug the ditch for them...Just saying...

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


The Indian culture does exist today, as you'll see if you actually visit those countries, something I have done. As for cultural standards, by the time of independence the bigger countries such as Mexico and Argentina were at the same level as the USA. Unfortunately there were too many Jacobin-type revolutionaries in those countries, which caused instability that set most of those countries back. Your present President is quite the Jacobin; the LatAme experience should serve as a warning about how the USA could lose its leadership situation in such matters as the exploration of space.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


Well, I have been from the North to the South...I like everyone, but I must tell you the Spaniards were some cut throat bastards....God, Gold, and Glory...I am well aware of the Remaining culture....Have a few trips South, I could tell you about...BTW, that is not my president......Even if the USA does fail, and drop off the planet, none of the Latin american country's will ever do *beep* are so disorganized...Don't mean to be mean, but they have been no where, and done nothing...GNDN.......

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry


God, Gold and Glory also applies to gentlemen like Francis Drake and other privateers. As for accomplishing anything, look at a map of America and a map of Europe from 1911, and compare those maps to how America and Europe look like in 2011. Europe is almost unrecognisable in several areas, whereas America is almost a perfect example of stability.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


About your travels to LatAme, you only saw dilapidation, whereas I saw promise and potential waiting to be realised. Honduras certainly demonstrated that it is a worthy member of the modern world when it refused to allow Chavez-wannabe Zelaya to undermine the nation's constitution.
Did you know that politics in LA reflect those of the Mother Country? The decades of instability that happened after the beginning of independence echo the instability of the Carlist Wars, Isabella II and the 1st Republic.
The stability of Diaz in Mexico and similar situations in Argentina, Brasil and other countries echo the stability of Alfonso XII and Alfonso XIII.
The instability that brought about the Mexican Revolution was reflected in Spain in the events that led to the 2d Republic and the 1936-39 War.
The lengthy dictatorship of Franco influenced those of Peron, Stroessner, and even Castro.
Polls reveal that King Juan Carlos I is the most popular ruler in the Latino world. A reflection of that popularity is the fact that, following the start of JCI's reign, almost all the LA countries started to return to civilian government after decades of governments dominated by the military; Honduras' story shows that that change was the real thing, and not any mere window dressing.

God is subtle, but He is not malicious. (Albert Einstein)


Got to agree with some of what you say...BTW, I saw a lot of good also.....There is still a long ways to go tho, Corruption is rampant....Instability is everywhere...Things will get better tho....

You Have a Hard Lip, Herbert..

Better Living Thru Chemistry
