MovieChat Forums > The Time Tunnel (1966) Discussion > What if they didn't revert to original c...

What if they didn't revert to original costumes when they shifted

Here's a completely unnecessary list, but I had fun doing it:

What if Doug and Tony's original clothes didn't reappear when they shifted to another time?

Episode 1: Original clothes

Ep. 2: Still in the original clothes when they appear on the Mars-bound space ship.

Ep. 3: In space suits when they arrive in the caved-in mine. Presumably, though, they would have taken off the bulky suits and still had their original clothes underneath.

Ep. 4: They arrive at Pearl Harbor in their original clothes. By now, those clothes must be getting pretty gamey, since they aren't reappearing in their original condition before each time transfer.

Ep. 5: Still in their original clothes when they arrive at 1815 New Orleans. But when they transfer out, Tony is in a frontiersman's clothes and Doug is wearing a British Army coat.

Ep. 6: They have their adventure on Krakatoa in the respective clothes they got at New Orleans. At least they must smell a little better.

Ep. 7: They are still wearing the 1812 clothes when they arrive outside ancient Troy. But they transfer out wearing Greek armor (and Tony, I think, had a sword.)

Ep. 8: They arrive in the 19th Century southwest wearing Greek armor. Presumably, they would have taken off the armor immediately because of the heat. But that sword would have come in handy when they were jumped by Indians. They still would have been wearing whatever the heck Greeks wore under their armor when they transfered out.

Ep. 9: Still wearing Greek "under armor" clothes when they get to Devil's Island, but were wearing prisoner's clothing when they left.

Ep. 10: They arrive in Revolutionary Paris in Devil's Island prison clothes, but leave in period civilian cloths.

Ep. 11: So they show up in whatever 1950s Communist country this episode takes place in, posing as defectors, still in 18th Century French clothes. That would have raised a few eyebrows.

Ep. 12: They help foil the 1861 plot against Lincoln still in 18th Century French cloths. Probably wouldn't have looked too out of place, I suppose.

Ep. 13: Their time at the Alamo is still in those darn French clothes. They must be getting a little smelly again by now.

Ep. 14: They arrive in 19th Century India in those French clothes, but leave wearing period British Army clothes.

Ep 15: Occupied France in old-fashioned British Army clothes? Oh, well, Doug gets a nice, new German uniform. It's safe to presume the French Underground would have given Tony something less conspicious to wear, so we'll assume he's in 1940s French civilian clothes when he transfers out.

Ep. 16: So Doug is still in a Nazi uniform (and Tony in civvies) when they team up with Robin Hood. They still have the same clothes on when they leave. I think Tony at least still had a pistol when they arrive in the castle. Doug might have as well--those weapons would have been an important plot point.

Ep. 17: They're still wearing those same clothes when they are stalked by the Japanese guy on the Pacific Island. Though the Japanese might have been a bit confused by Doug's German uniform.

Ep. 18: They are STILL in those same (smelly again) clothes when they defeat the alien invaders in the Old West.

Ep. 19: And STIll in the German Uniform (Doug) and civvies (Tony) when they arrive in Nero's castle in WWI Italy.

Ep. 20: The irony of Doug being in a (presumably in tatters) Nazi uniform when they arrive in Joshua's tent outside Jericho is bizarre. But the symbols would have meant nothing to the Jewish people of that time and, besides, they finally get a change of clothes.

Ep. 21: Still in ancient Mid East cloths (and I think one of them with a sword) when they arrive in 16th Century Mexico.

Ep. 22: Mid East clothes again when they arrive in the Old West. Billy the Kid would have shot them right away just for that, I think.

Ep. 23: Still in middle east garb when they battle early 19th Century pirates.

Ep. 24: And STILL in those clothes when they chase Robert Duvall through time.

Ep. 25: So they arrive at Gettyburg in those Mid East clothes, but soon Doug has a Union uniform, while Tony has a Reb uniform.

Ep. 26: They're still in their Civil War uniforms when they encounter Marco Polo. Those revolvers they were carrying would have come in handy.

Ep. 27: And still in Blue and Grey when they help out King Arthur. But by the end of that episode, they're in fur-lined Arthurian clothing complete with appropriate weapons when they leave.

Ep. 28: They remain dressed as Arthurian soldiers when they are kidnapped by aliens from the far future.

Ep. 29: And are still in Arthurian garb when they battle alieans in 1883 Khartoum.

Ep. 30: And they still wearing Arthurian clothes in the last episode, fighting aliens in a 1978 small town.


Pretty funny! Would have livened up some of those episodes.

But I think you made one mistake. If I remember correctly, in ep. 16, they switched to "Merry Men" clothing, then would have had that for the Pacific island, Old West aliens, Nero's castle, and the arrival in Jericho.

Now, the guys in the Old West already thought they were nuts with their talk about the aliens. Imagine if they were wearing tights. Kind of harms the credibility.


I believe you're right about my mistake. That's just as well--those WWII clothes would have been smelly as heck by the time they got to Jericho.


That's all pretty hilarious when you think about it...


The questions mute,only if Doug and Tony had clothes that either changed shape or blended in with period.Another Irwin Allen blunder.


When they are about to transfer out at the end of episode 5 (War of 1812), their usual clothes (the green turtleneck etc) miraculously flash back onto their bodies! No explanation given...I guess they'd been radioactively bathed or something, so they would fly back onto their bodies from behind whatever tree they had been stashed!


Maybe, like a Star Trek transporter, they are matched into their "patterns" that the Tunnel had stored from that first radioactive marking or whatever it is that allows the complex to locate them every week.
