Where did they live?

What kind of apartment or was it a suite did they live in? It was mentioned once that they had 4 bedrooms and a den. Of course the kitchen and half dining room weren't mentioned. You never heard about or saw the bathrooms. I'm guessing the bedrooms each had a bathroom of its own. I wondered if that was a bathroom that Nancy Walker came out of once, in Cissy and Buffy's room.


They lived in Manhattan. Imagine what an apartment that size would go for today? You'd have to be a millionaire.


I know right. It always (still does) fascinates me to see NYC and pictures on the The TV shows of that area. Although the backgrounds from the apartment are obviously fake lol. I didn't notice during Family Affairs original run or the reruns from 1972-1976 etc. but I do now ha ha. Uncle Bill had to be rolling in the dough , today they'd be living in Queens with Doug and Carrie. Which I'm guessing it not cheap either.


Actually, a "millionaire" could not afford it. "A." single. One. One million. Unless you are very young (under 21), one million dollars can not let you survive today. It would take some one worth tens of millions to afford a place like that. Plus, a great deal of that would have to be in cash. Just because one has a large net worth, it does not necessarily mean they have a lot of money. Plus, you must remember. It is a television program that is scripted to be somewhat of a fantasy. Many things were realistic such as the children's activities.


It's big bux fer sure. Someone wrote this while describing the show here:

A highly paid consulting engineer, Bill Davis' carefree existence as a swinging bachelor was just about perfect. Maintaining an elegant apartment off Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, he had his domestic needs cared for by a very English gentleman's gentleman, Mr. French. "
