comments on marathon

Anissa was my age so i watched this in its first run. having a near 13yr old play age 8 was a bit of a stretch.i wonder if she was embarrassed by this? good, heartfelt family show.the last year cissy seemed way to old to being on a kids show. i am glad they let her stay on but today they would have cut cost and just sent her character off to college. was she suppose to still be in high school the last year? as a kid i realized uncle must have made a TON of money.over all i enjoyed it very much. always so sad to think of Anissa and how things turned out.


Cissy graduated from high school is season 4 and during the last season she was attending college, apparently in New York as she was living at home. They don't make shows like this anymore.


Very good points (I'm also the same age group as Annissa and Johnnie, being born just a few after the younger of the two, being born on December 8,1960, so I,too, watched it in its first run - starting September 12,1966).

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
Profile pic: Courtney Thorne-Smith.
